header(‘Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8‘);
// The following variables values must reflect your installation needs.
$aspell_prog = ‘“C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin\aspell.exe“‘; // by FredCK (for Windows)
//$aspell_prog = ‘aspell‘; // by FredCK (for Linux)
$lang = ‘en_US‘;
$aspell_opts = “-a --lang=$lang --encoding=utf-8 -H --rem-sgml-check=alt“; // by FredCK
$tempfiledir = “./“;
$spellercss = ‘../spellerstyle.css‘; // by FredCK
$word_win_src = ‘../wordWindow.js‘; // by FredCK
$textinputs = $_POST[‘textinputs‘]; # array
$input_separator = “A“;
# set the javascript variable to the submitted text.
# textinputs is an array each element corresponding to the (url-encoded)
# value of the text control submitted for spell-checking
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 605 2008-05-27 21:11 Exam\BLL\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 40960 2007-10-01 17:07 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\LTP.Accounts.dll
文件 36864 2007-07-21 13:07 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\LTP.Common.dll
文件 20480 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.BLL.dll
文件 36352 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.BLL.pdb
文件 36864 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DAL.dll
文件 42496 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DAL.pdb
文件 40960 2007-10-13 18:19 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DBUtility.dll
文件 20480 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.Model.dll
文件 40448 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.Model.pdb
文件 4654 2008-06-14 20:35 Exam\BLL\BLL.csproj
文件 2082 2006-04-29 15:27 Exam\BLL\BLL.csproj.user
文件 2982 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\CourseInfo.cs
文件 3189 2008-06-15 09:31 Exam\BLL\EasyHardInfo.cs
文件 3076 2008-06-05 13:29 Exam\BLL\ExamInfo.cs
文件 367 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\obj\BLL.csproj.FileList.txt
文件 511 2008-05-27 22:01 Exam\BLL\obj\BLL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
文件 20480 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\obj\Debug\Maticsoft.BLL.dll
文件 36352 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\obj\Debug\Maticsoft.BLL.pdb
文件 16384 2008-06-15 00:56 Exam\BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor\Maticsoft.BLL.dll
文件 18519 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\BLL\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache
文件 3023 2008-06-05 20:35 Exam\BLL\Question.cs
文件 3165 2008-06-04 16:59 Exam\BLL\QuestionAnswerInfo.cs
文件 2744 2008-06-05 14:20 Exam\BLL\UserInfo.cs
文件 606 2008-05-27 21:11 Exam\DAL\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 40960 2007-10-01 17:07 Exam\DAL\bin\Debug\LTP.Accounts.dll
文件 36864 2007-07-21 13:07 Exam\DAL\bin\Debug\LTP.Common.dll
文件 36864 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\DAL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DAL.dll
文件 42496 2008-06-15 11:03 Exam\DAL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DAL.pdb
文件 40960 2007-10-13 18:19 Exam\DAL\bin\Debug\Maticsoft.DBUtility.dll
共有 条评论