• 大小: 0.12M
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
    下载: 1 次
    发布日期: 2021-01-30
  • 语言: ASP
  • 标签: jQuery  datatable  asp.net  MVC  


jQuery DataTables 与 ASP.NET MVC 集成,Jquery Datable 插件是一款非常优秀的插件。在官网上没有提供C#实现,

这个实例来源于: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/155422/jQuery-DataTables-and-ASP-NET-MVC-Integration-Part





  • Part 2 - Implementation of CRUD functionalities (add, inline edit, delete) using DataTable in ASP.NET MVC where I have described how you can add data management (CRUD) functionalities such as adding, deleting and editing rows,
  • Part 3 - Reloading content of data tables in ASP.NET MVC where I have shown how you can reload DataTable content using Ajax,
  • Part 4 - Creating an expandable master-details table where I have shown how you can implement opening details row when regular row is selected, 
  • Part 5 - jQuery DataTables Advanced Filtering in ASP.NET MVC - in this article is shown how you can implement advanced filtering, 
  • Part 6 - Table Row Drag and Drop in ASP.NET MVC - in this article is descibed how you can use drag'n'drop row reordering. 

    :)感谢作者 Jovan Popovic 。



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using System.Web.Routing;

    namespace JQueryDataTables
        // Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode 
        // visit http://go.microsoft.com/?linkId=9394801

        public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
            public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
                filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());

            public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

                    “Default“ // Route name
                    “{controller}/{action}/{id}“ // URL with

     属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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         文件       26112  2013-10-11 22:57  bin\JQueryDataTables.pdb
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         目录           0  2011-01-22 14:27  Content\dataTables\
         文件        1276  2011-01-22 18:57  Content\dataTables\demo_page.css
         文件        9689  2011-01-22 14:25  Content\dataTables\demo_table.css
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         文件         852  2011-01-22 14:28  Content\images\forward_enabled.jpg
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         文件         252  2011-01-22 14:28  Content\images\sort_asc_disabled.png
         文件         282  2011-01-22 14:28  Content\images\sort_both.png
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         文件         251  2011-01-22 14:28  Content\images\sort_desc_disabled.png
         目录           0  2011-02-24 20:19  Controllers\
         文件        4900  2011-02-24 20:25  Controllers\HomeController.cs
         文件         108  2011-01-22 12:56  Global.asax
         文件        1193  2011-02-24 20:14  Global.asax.cs
         文件        6833  2013-10-11 22:55  JQueryDataTables.csproj
         文件        1171  2013-10-11 22:55  JQueryDataTables.csproj.user
         文件         921  2013-10-11 23:02  JQueryDataTables.sln
         文件       27648  2013-10-11 23:02  JQueryDataTables.v11.suo
         目录           0  2011-02-24 20:24  Models\
         文件         478  2011-02-24 20:24  Models\Company.cs
         文件        1293  2011-02-24 20:25  Models\JQueryDataTableParamModel.cs
         目录           0  2011-02-24 20:24  Models\Repository\


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