// MailMessage.cpp: implementation of the CMailMessage class.
// Copyright (c) 1998 Wes Clyburn
// Download by http://www.codefans.net
// Modified to have Header and Body handling in this class rather than in any
// class that uses instances of CMailMessage.
// Copyright (c) 1998 Michael Krebs
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “MailMessage.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
BOOL CMailMessage::AddRecipient( LPCTSTR szEmailAddress LPCTSTR szFriendlyName)
ASSERT( szEmailAddress != NULL );
ASSERT( szFriendlyName != NULL );
CRecipient to;
to.m_sEmailAddress = szEmailAddress;
to.m_sFriendlyName = szFriendlyName;
m_Recipients.Add( to );
return TRUE;
// sEmailAddress and sFriendlyName are OUTPUT parameters.
// If the function fails it will return FALSE and the OUTPUT
// parameters will not be touched.
BOOL CMailMessage::GetRecipient(CString & sEmailAddress CString & sFriendlyName int nIndex)
CRecipient to;
if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_Recipients.GetUpperBound() )
return FALSE;
to = m_Recipients[ nIndex ];
sEmailAddress = to.m_sEmailAddress;
sFriendlyName = to.m_sFriendlyName;
return TRUE;
int CMailMessage::GetNumRecipients()
return m_Recipients.GetSize();
BOOL CMailMessage::AddMultipleRecipients(LPCTSTR szRecipients )
TCHAR* buf;
UINT pos;
UINT start;
CString sTemp;
CString sEmail;
CString sFriendly;
UINT length;
int nMark;
int nMark2;
ASSERT( szRecipients != NULL );
// Add Recipients
length = strlen( szRecipients );
buf = new TCHAR[ length + 1 ]; // Allocate a work area (don‘t touch parameter itself)
strcpy( buf szRecipients );
for( pos = 0 start = 0; pos <= length; pos++ )
if( buf[ pos ] == ‘;‘ ||
buf[ pos ] == 0 )
// First pick apart the sub-strings (separated by ‘;‘)
// Store it in sTemp.
buf[ pos ] = 0; // Redundant when at the end of string but who cares.
sTemp = &buf[ start ];
// Now divide the substring into friendly names and e-mail addresses.
nMark = sTemp.Find( ‘<‘ );
if( nMark >= 0 )
sFriendly = sTemp.Left( nMark );
nMark2 = sTemp.Find( ‘>‘ );
if( nMark2 < nMark )
delete[] buf;
return FALSE;
// End of mark at closing bracket or end of string
nMark2 > -1 ? nMark2 = nMark2 : nMark2 = sTemp.GetLength() - 1;
sEmail = sTemp.Mid( nMark + 1 nMark2 - (nMark + 1) );
sEmail = sTemp;
sFriendly = ““;
AddRecipient( sEmail sFriendly );
start = pos
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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