vc++ 运用MFC实现基于AfxMessageBox的 自定义弹出窗
这是运用MFC技术实现的基于AfxMessageBox的自定义弹出窗,与标准的 MessageBox 相比,MFC提供 AfxMessageBox 方法使我们编写消息框变得更加容易。本弹出窗是经过自定义扩展的,过一段时间消息框就能自动关闭
// Hyperlink.cpp : implementation file
// Download by http://www.codefans.net
// Hyperlink static control. Will open the default browser with the given URL
// when the user clicks on the link.
// Copyright (C) 1997 - 1999 Chris Maunder
// All rights reserved. May not be sold for profit.
// Thanks to P錶 K. T鴑der for auto-size and window caption changes.
// “GotoURL“ function by Stuart Patterson
// As seen in the August 1997 Windows Developer‘s Journal.
// Copyright 1997 by Miller Freeman Inc. All rights reserved.
// Modified by Chris Maunder to use TCHARs instead of chars.
// “Default hand cursor“ from Paul DiLascia‘s Jan 1998 MSJ article.
// 2/29/00 -- P. Shaffer standard font mod.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “Hyperlink.h“
#include “atlconv.h“ // for Unicode conversion - requires #include // MFC OLE automation classes
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
#define TOOLTIP_ID 1
// CHyperlink
m_hlinkCursor = NULL; // No cursor as yet
m_crlinkColour = RGB( 0 0 238); // Blue
m_crVisitedColour = RGB( 85 26 139); // Purple
m_crHoverColour = RGB(255 0 0); // Red
m_bOverControl = FALSE; // Cursor not yet over control
m_bVisited = FALSE; // Hasn‘t been visited yet.
m_nUnderline = ulHover; // Underline the link?
m_bAdjustToFit = TRUE; // Resize the window to fit the text?
m_nTimerID = 100;
// CHyperlink overrides
BOOL CHyperlink::DestroyWindow()
return CStatic::DestroyWindow();
BOOL CHyperlink::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
return CStatic::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
void CHyperlink::PreSubclassWindow()
// We want to get mouse clicks via STN_CLICKED
DWORD dwstyle = Getstyle();
::SetWindowLong(GetSafeHwnd() GWL_style dwstyle | SS_NOTIFY);
// Set the URL as the window text
if (m_strURL.IsEmpty())
// Check that the window text isn‘t empty. If it is set it as the URL.
CString strWndText;
if (strWndText.IsEmpty())
ASSERT(!m_strURL.IsEmpty()); // Window and URL both NULL. DUH!
CFont* pFont = GetFont();
if (!pFont)
HFONT hFont = (HFONT)GetStockobject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
if (hFont == NULL)
hFont = (HFONT) GetStockobject(ANSI_VAR_FONT
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