内存清理工具 Windows 内存,程序是控制台应用程序,用C/C++写的。

// RAMCleaner.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include “stdafx.h“
#define MB_UNIT
#if defined KB_UNIT
#define DIV (1024ULL)
#define WIDTH 10
#elif defined MB_UNIT
#define DIV (1024ULL * 1024ULL)
#define WIDTH 7
#elif defined GB_UNIT
#define DIV (1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL)
#define WIDTH 4
#error One of KB_UNIT MB_UNIT GB_UNIT needs to be defined!
void PrintMemoryStatus()
statex.dwLength = sizeof(statex);
if (::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&statex))
#if defined KB_UNIT
_tprintf(_T(“There is %*ld percent of memory in use.\n“) WIDTH statex.dwMemoryLoad);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total KB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free KB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total KB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free KB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total KB of virtual memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalVirtual / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free KB of virtual memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailVirtual / DIV);
//_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free KB of extended memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailExtendedVirtual / DIV);
#elif defined MB_UNIT
_tprintf(_T(“There is %*ld percent of memory in use.\n“) WIDTH statex.dwMemoryLoad);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total MB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free MB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total MB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free MB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total MB of virtual memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalVirtual / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free MB of virtual memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailVirtual / DIV);
//_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free MB of extended memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailExtendedVirtual / DIV);
#elif defined GB_UNIT
_tprintf(_T(“There is %*ld percent of memory in use.\n“) WIDTH statex.dwMemoryLoad);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total GB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free GB of physical memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPhys / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total GB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free GB of paging file.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullAvailPageFile / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d total GB of virtual memory.\n“) WIDTH statex.ullTotalVirtual / DIV);
_tprintf(_T(“There are %*I64d free GB of virtual memo
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 872 2016-10-15 18:18 内存清理工具\resource.h
文件 320 2016-10-15 19:48 内存清理工具\stdafx.h
文件 240 2016-10-15 18:05 内存清理工具\targetver.h
文件 5325 2016-10-15 20:30 内存清理工具\RAMCleaner.cpp
文件 214 2016-10-15 18:05 内存清理工具\stdafx.cpp
文件 174080 2016-10-15 20:32 内存清理工具\Release\RAMCleaner.exe
文件 193024 2016-10-15 20:32 内存清理工具\x64\Release\RAMCleaner.exe
目录 0 2016-10-16 16:13 内存清理工具\x64\Release
目录 0 2016-10-16 16:13 内存清理工具\Release
目录 0 2016-10-16 16:13 内存清理工具\x64
目录 0 2016-10-16 16:13 内存清理工具
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
374075 11
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