CRC32 算法的FPGA实现和C语言实现
//======================================================== file = crc32.c =====
//= Program to compute CRC-32 using the “table method“ for 8-bit subtracts =
//= Notes: Uses the standard “Charles Michael Heard“ code available from =
//= http://cell-relay.indiana.edu/cell-relay/publications/software =
//= /CRC which was adapted from the algorithm described by Avarm =
//= Perez “Byte-wise CRC Calculations“ IEEE Micro 3 40 (1983). =
//= Build: bcc32 crc32.c gcc crc32.c =
//= History: KJC (8/24/00) - Genesis (from Heard code see above) =
//----- Include files ---------------------------------------------------------
#include // Needed for printf()
#include // Needed for rand()
//----- Type defines ----------------------------------------------------------
typedef unsigned char byte; // Byte is a char
typedef unsigned short int word16; // 16-bit word is a short int
typedef unsigned int word32; // 32-bit word is an int
//----- Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04c11db7L // Standard CRC-32 ppolynomial
// #define BUFFER_LEN 4096L // Length of buffer
#define BUFFER_LEN 8L // Length of buffer
//----- Gloabl variables ------------------------------------------------------
static word32 crc_table[256]; // Table of 8-bit remainders
//----- Prototypes ------------------------------------------------------------
void gen_crc_table(void);
word32 update_crc(word32 crc_accum byte *data_blk_ptr word32 data_blk_size);
//===== Main program ==========================================================
void main(void)
byte buff[BUFFER_LEN]; // Buffer of packet bytes
word32 crc32; // 32-bit CRC value
word16 i; // Loop counter (16 bit)
word32 j; // Loop counter (32 bit)
// Initialize the CRC table
// Load buffer with BUFFER_LEN random bytes
// for (i=0; i // buff[i] = (byte) rand();
buff[0] = 0x01;
buff[1] = 0x23;
buff[2] = 0x45;
buff[3] = 0x67;
buff[4] = 0x89;
buff[5] = 0xAB;
buff[6] = 0xCD;
buff[7] = 0xEF;
// Compute and output CRC
crc32 = update_crc(-1 buff BUFFER_LEN);
printf(“CRC = %08X \n“ crc32);
//= CRC32 table initialization =
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 3933 2011-09-16 15:13 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\crc32.c
文件 4145 2011-09-16 15:13 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\crc32.obj
文件 172119 2011-09-16 15:14 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\Demo1.exe
文件 180092 2011-09-16 15:14 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\Demo1.ilk
文件 184772 2011-09-06 16:39 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\Demo1.pch
文件 427008 2011-09-16 15:14 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\Demo1.pdb
文件 33792 2011-09-16 16:04 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\vc60.idb
文件 45056 2011-09-16 15:13 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Debug\vc60.pdb
文件 4270 2011-09-06 21:18 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Demo1.dsp
文件 518 2011-09-06 16:38 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Demo1.dsw
文件 41984 2011-09-18 09:34 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Demo1.ncb
文件 53760 2011-09-18 09:34 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Demo1.opt
文件 244 2011-09-16 16:04 CRC_Vertify\C Demo\Demo1\Demo1.plg
文件 1008640 2011-09-18 09:32 CRC_Vertify\CRC程序使用说明.vsd
文件 8381 2011-09-02 10:24 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\CRC32_D32_AAL5.v
文件 1587 2011-09-18 09:36 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\CRC32_D32_AAL5_tb.v
文件 3313 2011-09-02 10:24 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\CRC32_D8_AAL5.v
文件 1693 2011-09-18 09:37 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\CRC32_D8_AAL5_tb.v
文件 1381 2011-09-18 09:32 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\test.cr.mti
文件 75772 2011-09-18 09:32 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\test.mpf
文件 451 2011-09-06 14:32 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\Test_CRC_01.m
文件 391 2011-09-06 13:44 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\transc
文件 65536 2011-09-18 09:32 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\vsim.wlf
文件 187048 2011-09-18 09:12 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5\verilog.asm
文件 9237 2011-09-18 09:12 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5\verilog.rw
文件 14758 2011-09-16 15:08 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5\_primary.dat
文件 48616 2011-09-16 15:08 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5\_primary.dbs
文件 422 2011-09-18 09:12 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5\_primary.vhd
文件 9800 2011-09-18 09:12 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5_tb\verilog.asm
文件 2684 2011-09-18 09:12 CRC_Vertify\FPGA_verilog\work\@c@r@c32_@d32_@a@a@l5_tb\verilog.rw
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