排队论MM1模型的C++仿真程序,程序中输入lambda,mu和total arrival之后就可以根据参数进行仿真并得出一系列的统计结果
// EE 465 USC
// Simulation of an M/M/1 system
using namespace std;
#define INFIN 999999999
// Function Name: expon
// Description: Generates an exponentially distributed random number
// with parameter \lambda.
// Input: lambda (double)
// Output: An exponentially distributed random number (double)
double expon(double lambda)
double u; // used to store a random number.
u = drand48(); //uniform number in the interval [0.0 1.0]
while ((u == 0) || (u == 1)); //special cases that we want to avoid
return -log(1-u)/lambda;
// Function Name: print_stats
// Description: Saves and prints system statistics
// Input: stats_file (ostream object): ostream object for the stats file
// avg_customers (double): average customers in the system
// avg_service_time (double): average service time
// Output: void (output stored to file and printed in the screen)
void print_stats(ostream &stats_file double avg_customers double avg_service_time)
cout << “Average No. of Customers: “ << avg_customers << endl;
cout << “Average Service Time: “ << avg_service_time << endl;
stats_file << “Average No. of Customers: “ << avg_customers << endl;
stats_file << “Average Service Time: “ << avg_service_time << endl;
// The main function of the program that is called at the beginning.
int main() {
//system variables
long int tot_arrivals cur_arrivals = 0;
double lambda mu;
double event1 = 0.0 event2
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