% The codes investigate the performance of a greedy algorithm [1] in OFDM which
% allocates the power to subchannel in optimum way to reach the required
% Data rate
% By Hamid Ramezani 23-Mar-2008
% setting the parameters
numOfSubChannels = 16; % number of subchannels
modBitRate = [0;1;2;4;6];% the provided bit rate bits/Hz/Sec for
% example based on BPSK QPSK 16QAM and
% 64QAM modulation
% zero is required to states that
% subchannels can convey no data
reqSNR =10.^(.1*[-Inf;9;12;18;24]);
% Reqired SNR for the receiving the
% the bits through modulation on 10^-4 BER
% condition ref[2]
% zero is required to states that
% subchannels can convey no power
% The single-side noise power spectral density (N0) is assumed to be 1
% otherwise the parameter setting must be modified
% SNR = Pt*CSI^2/(N0*B/N) which is assumed to SNR = Pt*CSI^2 (it is
% a kind of normalization)
requiredRate = 23; % bits/Sec/Hz
% channel coefficient generation
% rayleigh fading channel (with Rician absulute)
CSI = 1/sqrt(2) * abs ( randn(numOfSubChannels1) + ...
% calling the mex function
[subChannelrequiredPowersubChannelRate] = ...
greedyAlgSingleUser(requiredRateCSImodBitRate reqSNR);
% Graphical observation
f1 = figure(1);
set(f1‘color‘[1 1 1]);
xlabel(‘Subchannel Indice‘);
ylabel(‘number of bits conveied by subchannels‘);
xlabel(‘Subchannel Indice‘);
ylabel(‘amount of power required by subchannels in dB‘);
xlabel(‘Subchannel Indice‘);
ylabel(‘channel response in different subchannels‘);
xlabel(‘Subchannel Indice‘);
ylabel(‘SNR in different subchannels‘);
% References
% Ref[1] C. Y. Wong R. S. Cheng K. B. Letaief and R. Murch “Multiuser
% OFDM with Adaptive Subcarrier Bit and Power Allocation“ IEEE
% Journal on Selected Areas In Communications Vol. 17 No. 10
% OCTOBER 1999
% Ref[2] Y. Zhang and K. B. Letaief 揗ultiuser Adaptive Subcarrier-and-Bit
% Allocation With Adaptive Cell Selection for OFDM Systems? IEEE Transaction
% on wireless communications Vol. 3 No. 5 Sep 2004
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2913 2008-03-23 20:01 GreedyAlgOfdmExample.m
文件 5803 2008-03-23 19:13 greedyAlgSingleUser.c
文件 7168 2008-03-23 19:13 greedyAlgSingleUser.mexw32
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