// archer.cpp
#include “archer.h“
Archer::Archer(int lv_in string name_in)
role = ar; // enumerate type of job
LV = lv_in;
name = name_in;
// Initialising the character‘s properties based on his level
HPmax = 150 + 6 * (LV - 1); // HP increases 6 point2 per level
HP = HPmax;
MPmax = 75 + 2 * (LV - 1); // MP increases 2 points per level
MP = MPmax;
AP = 25 + 8 * (LV - 1); // AP increases 8 points per level
DP = 25 + 2 * (LV - 1); // DP increases 2 points per level
speed = 25 + 2 * (LV - 1); // speed increases 2 points per level
playerdeath = 0;
EXP = LV*LV * 75;
bag.set(lv_in lv_in);
void Archer::isLevelUp()
if (EXP >= LV*LV * 75)
AP += 8;
DP += 2;
HPmax += 6;
MPmax += 2;
speed += 2;
cout << name << “ Level UP!“ << endl;
cout << “HP improved 6 points to “ << HPmax << endl;
cout << “MP improved 2 points to “ << MPmax << endl;
cout << “Speed improved 2 points to “ << speed << endl;
cout << “AP improved 8 points to “ << AP << endl;
cout << “DP improved 2 points to “ << DP << endl;
isLevelUp(); // recursively call this function so the character can level up multiple times if got enough exp
bool Archer::attack(player &p)
double HPtemp = 0; // opponent‘s HP decrement
double EXPtemp = 0; // player obtained exp
double hit = 1.2; // attach factor probably give critical attack
srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // generating random seed based on system time
// If speed greater than opponent you have some possibility to do double attack
if ((speed > p.speed) && (rand() % 100 < (speed - p.speed))) // rand()%100 means generates a number no greater than 100
HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10)); // opponent‘s HP decrement calculated based their AP/DP and uncertain chance
cout << name << “‘s quick strike hit “ << p.name << “ “ << p.name << “‘s HP decreased “ << HPtemp << endl;
p.HP = int(p.HP - HPtemp);
EXPtemp = (int)(HPtemp*1.2);
// If speed smaller than opponent the opponent has possibility to evade
if ((speed < p.speed) && (rand() % 50 < 1))
cout << name << “‘s attack has been evaded by “ << p.name << endl;
return 1;
// 10% chance give critical attack
if (rand() % 100 <= 10)
hit = 1.7;
cout << “Critical attack: “;
// Normal attack
HPtemp = (int)((1.0*AP / p.DP)*AP * 5 / (rand() % 4 + 10));
cout << name << “ uses bash “ << p.name << “‘s HP decreases “ << HPtemp << endl;
EXPtemp = (int)(EXPtemp + HPtemp*1.2);
p.HP = (int)(p.HP - HPtemp);
cout << name << “ obtained “ << EXPtemp << “ experience.“ << endl;
EXP = (int)(EXP + EXPtemp);
return 1; // Attack success
bool Archer::specialatt(player &p)
if (MP < 40)
cout << “You don‘t have enough magic points!“ << endl;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4586 2018-04-13 21:42 archer.cpp
文件 646 2018-04-13 22:07 archer.h
文件 844 2011-04-14 08:46 container.cpp
文件 682 2011-04-14 08:40 container.h
文件 4619 2018-04-13 21:29 mage.cpp
文件 616 2018-04-13 22:57 mage.h
文件 2973 2011-04-14 08:47 main.cpp
文件 3319 2011-04-14 08:46 pla
文件 1861 2011-04-14 08:42 pla
文件 4311 2011-04-14 08:45 swordsman.cpp
文件 647 2011-04-14 08:46 swordsman.h
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