* This source is just realize the Fast Hartley Transform in C++ and all of algorithms
* are from the paper “The Fast Hartley Transform“ by RONALD N. BRACEWELL 1984
* Author: dtcxy
* Date : 10-17-2012
* Mail : wysxylq@163.com
using namespace std;
#define DATA_SIZE 1024
#define PI 3.14159265359
bool permutation(double* data int size); // just like FFT‘s permutation
void FHT(double* data double* dataOut int size);
void display(double* data int num);
int isPow2(int n);
void inputData(double* data int size);
int main()
cout<<“--------------CPU FHT----------------“<
double* data = new double[DATA_SIZE];
double* dataOut = new double[DATA_SIZE];
inputData(data DATA_SIZE);
cout<<“source data:“< display(dataDATA_SIZE);
FHT(data dataOut DATA_SIZE);
cout<<“after FHT:“< display(dataOut DATA_SIZE);
return 0;
* Subroutine to do fast Hartley transform of the array of real numbers data.
* size is the length of the array. Note that len should be a power of two.
void FHT(double* dataIn double* dataOut int size)
double* fn = new double[size];
double* Hn = new double[size];
memset(Hn 0 size*sizeof(double));
memcpy(fn dataIn size*sizeof(double));
if( !permutation( fn size) )
cout<<“error: the number of data is not power of 2“<
- 上一篇:停车场管理问题 C++/C数据结构
- 下一篇:c++链表队列的实现
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