#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
#include “pgm.h“
/**********************File I/O functions*******************************/
/*Gets an ascii pgm image file store as a color pgm.*/
void getPGMfile (char filename[] PGMImage *img)
FILE *in_file;
char ch;
int row col type;
int ch_int;
in_file = fopen(filename “r“);
if (in_file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr “Error: Unable to open file %s\n\n“ filename);
printf(“\nReading image file: %s\n“ filename);
/*determine pgm image type (only type three can be used)*/
ch = getc(in_file);
if(ch != ‘P‘)
printf(“ERROR(1): Not valid pgm/ppm file type\n“);
ch = getc(in_file);
/*convert the one digit integer currently represented as a character to
an integer(48 == ‘0‘)*/
type = ch - 48;
if((type != 2) && (type != 3) && (type != 5) && (type != 6))
printf(“ERROR(2): Not valid pgm/ppm file type\n“);
while(getc(in_file) != ‘\n‘); /* skip to end of line*/
while (getc(in_file) == ‘#‘) /* skip comment lines */
while (getc(in_file) != ‘\n‘); /* skip to end of comment line */
/*there seems to be a difference between color and b/w. This line is needed
by b/w but doesn‘t effect color reading...*/
fseek(in_file -1 SEEK_CUR); /* backup one character*/
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &((*img).width));
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &((*img).height));
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &((*img).maxVal));
printf(“\n width = %d“(*img).width);
printf(“\n height = %d“(*img).height);
printf(“\n maxVal = %d“(*img).maxVal);
if (((*img).width > MAX) || ((*img).height > MAX))
printf(“\n\n***ERROR - image too big for current image structure***\n\n“);
if(type == 2) /*uncompressed ascii file (B/W)*/
for (row=(*img).height-1; row >=0; row--)
for (col=0; col< (*img).width; col++)
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &ch_int);
(*img).data[row][col].red = ch_int;
(*img).data[row][col].green = ch_int;
(*img).data[row][col].blue = ch_int;
else if(type == 3) /*uncompressed ascii file (color)*/
for (row=(*img).height-1; row >=0; row--)
for (col=0; col< (*img).width; col++)
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &ch_int);
((*img).data[row][col].red) = (unsigned char)ch_int;
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &ch_int);
((*img).data[row][col].green) = (unsigned char)ch_int;
fscanf(in_file“%d“ &ch_int);
((*img).data[row][col].blue) = (unsigned char)ch_int;
else if(type == 5) /*compressed file (B/W)*/
/*note: this type remains untested at this time...*/
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-10-10 14:56 pgm_read_save_c\
文件 5884 2018-10-10 14:55 pgm_read_save_c\pgm.c
文件 766 2018-10-10 14:55 pgm_read_save_c\pgm.h
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