// BvSocket.cpp: implementation of the CBvSocket class.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “Phone.h“
#include “BvSocket.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#pragma comment(lib “wsock32“)
// Construction/Destruction
void CBvSocket::ReportWinsockErr(LPSTR lpszErrorMsg)
char chMsgBuffer[100];
wsprintf(chMsgBuffer “\nWinsock error %d: %s\n\n“ WSAGetLastError() lpszErrorMsg);
MessageBox(NULLchMsgBuffer AfxGetAppName() MB_OK|MB_IConstop);
BOOL CBvSocket::Init(WSADATA* wsaData)
if (WSAStartup(WINSOCK_VERSIONwsaData))
MessageBox(NULL“Winsock could not be initialized!“ AfxGetAppName() MB_OK|MB_IConstop);
return TRUE;
BOOL CBvSocket::Clean()
int iErrorCode;
char chMsgBuffer[100];
if ((iErrorCode = WSACleanup()))
wsprintf(chMsgBuffer “Winsock error %d.“ iErrorCode);
MessageBox(NULL chMsgBuffer AfxGetAppName() MB_OK|MB_IConstop);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CBvSocket::GetHostName(char *name int namelen)
//determine if the local machine is on_line!
if (gethostname(name namelen))
ReportWinsockErr(“\nCould not resolve local host!\nAre you on-line?\n“);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CBvSocket::Create()
//Create the default socket for general use!
m_hSocket=socket(PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0);
if (m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
ReportWinsockErr(“Could not create server socket.“);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CBvSocket::Create(int af int type int protocol)
//you can create the socket using the socketthere is equal!
if (m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
ReportWinsockErr(“Could not create server socket.“);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void CBvSocket::SetAddrIn(const char FAR* ip unsigned short port)
//you can set you socket address using the doted string format.
void CBvSocket::SetAddrIn(unsigned short port)
//you can also let the windows to process the ipif your machine have
//more than one ip.
BOOL CBvSocket::Bind()
//if you have used SetAddrIn() create the socket addressyou can call
//this default bind function to name the unnamed socket address.
if (bind(m_hSocket(LPSOCKADDR)&m_addrSocke
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5821 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\BvSocket.cpp
文件 1971 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\BvSocket.h
文件 15675 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Compression.cpp
文件 1854 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Compression.h
文件 1377 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\IPAddress.cpp
文件 1239 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\IPAddress.h
文件 22908 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.aps
文件 1800 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.clw
文件 2049 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.cpp
文件 4791 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.dsp
文件 533 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.dsw
文件 1313 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.h
文件 181248 2003-06-11 17:36 netPhone\Phone.ncb
文件 56832 2003-06-11 17:36 netPhone\Phone.opt
文件 2433 2003-06-11 17:36 netPhone\Phone.plg
文件 7172 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone.rc
文件 36864 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\Phone1.exe
文件 13028 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\PhoneDlg.cpp
文件 2645 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\PhoneDlg.h
文件 65 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\ReadMe.txt
文件 1388 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\resource.h
文件 6547 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\SoundIn.cpp
文件 1863 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\SoundIn.h
文件 6001 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\SoundOut.cpp
文件 1398 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\SoundOut.h
文件 207 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\StdAfx.cpp
文件 1054 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\StdAfx.h
文件 766 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\res\icon1.ico
文件 1078 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\res\Phone.ico
文件 397 2001-07-18 01:17 netPhone\res\Phone.rc2
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