matlab 实现的随机森林,核心代码用C语言实现,是微软大牛的手笔,里面有分类也有回归,学术或者实用都很好
%* mex interface to Andy Liaw et al.‘s C code (used in R package randomForest)
%* Added by Abhishek Jaiantilal ( abhishek.jaiantilal@colorado.edu )
%* License: GPLv2
%* Version: 0.02
% Calls Classification Random Forest
% A wrapper matlab file that calls the mex file
% This does prediction given the data and the model file
% Options depicted in predict function in http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/randomForest/randomForest.pdf
%function [Y_hat votes] = classRF_predict(Xmodel extra_options)
% requires 2 arguments
% X: data matrix
% model: generated via classRF_train function
% extra_options.predict_all = predict_all if set will send all the prediction.
% Returns
% Y_hat - prediction for the data
% votes - unnormalized weights for the model
% prediction_per_tree - per tree prediction. the returned object .
% If predict.all=TRUE then the individual component of the returned object is a character
% matrix where each column contains the predicted class by a tree in the forest.
% Not yet implemented
% proximity
function [Y_new votes prediction_per_tree] = classRF_predict(Xmodel extra_options)
if nargin<2
error(‘need atleast 2 parametersX matrix and model‘);
if exist(‘extra_options‘‘var‘)
if isfield(extra_options‘predict_all‘)
predict_all = extra_options.predict_all;
if ~exist(‘predict_all‘‘var‘); predict_all=0;end
[Y_hatprediction_per_treevotes] = mexClassRF_predict(X‘model.nrnodesmodel.ntreemodel.xbestsplitmodel.classwtmodel.cutoffmodel.treemapmodel.nodestatusmodel.nodeclassmodel.bestvarmodel.ndbigtreemodel.nclass predict_all);
votes = votes‘;
clear mexClassRF_predict
Y_new = double(Y_hat);
new_labels = model.new_labels;
orig_labels = model.orig_labels;
for i=1:length(orig_labels)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\
目录 0 2017-07-31 10:21 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\
文件 2166 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\classRF_predict.m
文件 14829 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\classRF_train.m
文件 856 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\Compile_Check
文件 1718 2010-02-06 16:44 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\compile_windows.m
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\data\
文件 48856 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\data\twonorm.mat
文件 96300 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\data\X_twonorm.txt
文件 600 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\data\Y_twonorm.txt
文件 2693 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\Makefile
文件 2523 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\Makefile.windows
文件 26624 2010-02-06 16:44 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\mexClassRF_predict.mexw64
文件 46080 2010-02-06 16:44 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\mexClassRF_train.mexw64
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\linux64\
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\win32\
文件 6848 2009-04-25 21:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\win32\rfsub.o
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\win64\
文件 9840 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\precompiled_rfsub\win64\rfsub.o
文件 3255 2010-02-06 17:05 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\README.txt
文件 9840 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\rfsub.o
目录 0 2017-07-31 08:24 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\
文件 33889 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\classRF.cpp
文件 8947 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\classTree.cpp
文件 7678 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\cokus.cpp
文件 1189 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\cokus_test.cpp
文件 5225 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\mex_ClassificationRF_predict.cpp
文件 8545 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\mex_ClassificationRF_train.cpp
文件 4676 2009-04-25 20:39 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\qsort.c
文件 5186 2009-05-17 03:11 randomforest-matlab\RF_Class_C\src\rf.h
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