tftp客户端和服务器,用C语言开发的在Linux平台上的TFTP(RFC1350)服务器端和客户端. 支持目录列表, 可变块大小(RFC2348). 传输模式只支持二进制模式.
停止等待机制作为数据传输的基本机制, 是网络编程必须要掌握的技能. TFTP 协议使用基于UDP的停止等待机制来实现文件的可靠传输.
Date: NOV 28th 2006
Project : TFTP Client
Jonathan Felske
Andrew Fullard
Craig Holmes
Reza Rahmanian
Adam Tomalty
File: TFTP Client (main)
Purpose: A TFTP client that will request a connections from
the server and transefet files.
Notes: Here we are using the sendto and recvfrom
functions so the server and client can exchange data.
#include “tftp.h“
/*a function to print the Help menu*/
void help (char *);
/*a function to create the request packet read or write*/
int req_packet (int opcode char *filename char *mode char buf[]);
/*a function to creat an ACK packet*/
int ack_packet (int block char buf[]);
/*a function to create the Error packets*/
int err_packet (int err_code char *err_msg char buf[]);
/*a function that will print the ip:port pair of the server or client plus data sent or recieved*/
void ip_port (struct sockaddr_in host);
/*a function to send a file to the server*/
void tsend (char *pFilename struct sockaddr_in server char *pMode
int sock);
/*a function to get a file from the server*/
void tget (char *pFilename struct sockaddr_in server char *pMode int sock);
/* default values which can be controlled by command line */
char path[64] = “/tmp/“;
int port = 69;
unsigned short int ackfreq = 1;
int datasize = 512;
int debug = 0 w_size = 1 p_length = 512;
main (int argc char **argv)
/*local variables */
extern char *optarg;
int sock server_len len opt; //n;
char opcode filename[196] mode[12] = “octet“;
struct hostent *host; /*for host information */
struct sockaddr_in server; // client; /*the address structure for both the server and client */
FILE *fp; /*a pointer to a file that the client will send or get from the server */
if (argc < 2)
help (argv[0]);
return 0;
if (!(host = gethostbyname (argv[1])))
perror (“Client could not get host address information“);
exit (2);
/* All of the following deals with command line switches */
while ((opt = getopt (argc argv “dnoh:P:p:g:l:w:“)) != -1) /* this function is handy */
switch (opt)
case ‘d‘: /* debug mode (no opts) */
debug = 1;
case ‘P‘: /* Port (opt required) */
port = atoi (optarg);
if (debug)
printf (“Client: The port number is: %d\n“ port);
case ‘p‘: /* put a file on the server */
strncpy (filename optarg sizeof (filename) - 1);
opcode = WRQ;
fp = fopen (filename “r“); /*opened the file for reading */
if (fp == NULL)
printf (“Client: file could not be opened\n“);
return 0;
if (debug)
printf (“Client: The file name is: %s and can be read“
fclose (fp);
case ‘g‘: /*get a file from the server */
strncpy (filename optarg sizeof (filename) - 1);
opcode = RR
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-07-24 13:16 tftp-1.0\
文件 22760 2018-07-24 13:16 tftp-1.0\tftpd
文件 26824 2018-07-24 13:16 tftp-1.0\tftpc
文件 197 2006-12-18 04:24 tftp-1.0\Makefile
目录 0 2018-07-24 14:27 __MACOSX\
目录 0 2018-07-24 14:27 __MACOSX\tftp-1.0\
文件 232 2006-12-18 04:24 __MACOSX\tftp-1.0\._Makefile
文件 25001 2006-12-18 04:19 tftp-1.0\tftpd.c
文件 176 2006-12-18 04:19 __MACOSX\tftp-1.0\._tftpd.c
文件 1709 2006-12-18 04:19 tftp-1.0\tftp.h
文件 232 2006-12-18 04:19 __MACOSX\tftp-1.0\._tftp.h
文件 27920 2006-12-18 04:19 tftp-1.0\tftpc.c
文件 232 2006-12-18 04:19 __MACOSX\tftp-1.0\._tftpc.c
文件 176 2018-07-24 13:16 __MACOSX\._tftp-1.0
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