Irrlicht引擎是一个用C++书写的高性能实时的3D引擎,可以应用于C++程序或者。NET语言中。通过使用Direct3D(Windows平台),OpenGL 1.2或它自己的软件着色程序,可以实现该引擎的完全跨平台。尽管是开源的,该Irrlicht库提供了可以在商业级的3D引擎上具有的艺术特性,例如动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。
Irrlicht引擎是一个用C++书写的高性能实时的3D引擎,可以应用于C++程序或者。NET语言中。通过使用Direct3D(Windows平台),OpenGL 1.2或它自己的软件着色程序,可以实现该引擎的完全跨平台。尽管是开源的,该Irrlicht库提供了可以在商业级的3D引擎上具有的艺术特性,例如动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。
/** Example 001 HelloWorld
This Tutorial shows how to set up the IDE for using the Irrlicht Engine and how
to write a simple HelloWorld program with it. The program will show how to use
the basics of the VideoDriver the GUIEnvironment and the SceneManager.
Microsoft Visual Studio is used as an IDE but you will also be able to
understand everything if you are using a different one or even another
operating system than windows.
You have to include the header file in order to use the engine. The
header file can be found in the Irrlicht Engine SDK directory \c include. To let
the compiler find this header file the directory where it is located has to be
specified. This is different for every IDE and compiler you use. Let‘s explain
shortly how to do this in Microsoft Visual Studio:
- If you use Version 6.0 select the Menu Extras -> Options.
Select the directories tab and select the ‘Include‘ Item in the combo box.
Add the \c include directory of the irrlicht engine folder to the list of
directories. Now the compiler will find the Irrlicht.h header file. We also
need the irrlicht.lib to be found so stay in that dialog select ‘Libraries‘
in the combo box and add the \c lib/VisualStudio directory.
\image html “vc6optionsdir.jpg“
\image latex “vc6optionsdir.jpg“
\image html “vc6include.jpg“
\image latex “vc6include.jpg“
- If your IDE is Visual Studio .NET select Tools -> Options.
Select the projects entry and then select VC++ directories. Select ‘show
directories for include files‘ in the combo box and add the \c include
directory of the irrlicht engine folder to the list of directories. Now the
compiler will find the Irrlicht.h header file. We also need the irrlicht.lib
to be found so stay in that dialog select ‘show directories for Library
files‘ and add the \c lib/VisualStudio directory.
\image html “vcnetinclude.jpg“
\image latex “vcnetinclude.jpg“
That‘s it. With your IDE set up like this you will now be able to develop
applications with the Irrlicht Engine.
Lets start!
After we have set up the IDE the compiler will know where to find the Irrlicht
Engine header files so we can include it now in our code.
In the Irrlicht Engine everything can be found in the namespace ‘irr‘. So if
you want to use a class of the engine you have to write irr:: before the name
of the class. For example to use the IrrlichtDevice write: irr::IrrlichtDevice.
To get rid of the irr:: in front of the name of every class we tell the
compiler that we use that namespace from now on and we will not have to write
irr:: anymore.
using namespace irr;
There are 5 sub namespaces in the Irrlicht Engine. Take a look at them you can
read a detailed description of them in the documentation by clicking on the top
menu item ‘Namespace List‘ or by using this link:
Like the
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-11-07 10:03 irrlicht-1.8\
目录 0 2012-11-08 21:49 irrlicht-1.8\bin\
目录 0 2012-11-07 09:52 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Linux\
文件 283 2012-11-03 18:08 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Linux\readme.txt
目录 0 2012-11-07 09:52 irrlicht-1.8\bin\MacOSX\
文件 301 2012-11-03 18:08 irrlicht-1.8\bin\MacOSX\readme.txt
目录 0 2012-11-07 23:01 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\
文件 63488 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\01.HelloWorld.exe
文件 120320 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\02.Quake3Map.exe
文件 141824 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\03.CustomSceneNode.exe
文件 122880 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\04.Movement.exe
文件 120320 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\05.UserInterface.exe
文件 120320 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\06.2DGraphics.exe
文件 130560 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\07.Collision.exe
文件 126464 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\08.SpecialFx.exe
文件 148480 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\09.MeshViewer.exe
文件 128512 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\10.Shaders.exe
文件 128000 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\11.PerPixelLighting.exe
文件 144896 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\12.TerrainRendering.exe
文件 123392 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\13.RenderToTexture.exe
文件 121856 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\14.Win32Window.exe
文件 121344 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\15.LoadIrrFile.exe
文件 174592 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\16.Quake3MapShader.exe
文件 47104 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\17.HelloWorld_Mobile on PC.exe
文件 131072 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\18.SplitScreen.exe
文件 144384 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\19.MouseAndJoystick.exe
文件 126976 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\20.ManagedLights.exe
文件 270848 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\21.Quake3MapExplorer.exe
文件 148480 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\22.MaterialViewer.exe
文件 167424 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\23.SMeshHandling.exe
文件 155648 2012-11-06 23:21 irrlicht-1.8\bin\Win32-VisualStudio\24.CursorControl.exe
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