• 大小: 1.27MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 1
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2023-08-12
  • 语言: C/C++
  • 标签: 文件系统  


Requirements 1. Simulate a Unix file system on your Windows Platform 2. Understand the file system on Unix system, and the usage of i-nodes 3. Implement the function of sub-directory 4. The task needs to be completed using C++ or C 5. Tasks/Functionalities The following functions are required in your file system: 1. Allocate 16MB space in memory as the storage for your file system. The space is divided as blocks with block size 1KB Assume block address length is 32-bit; Design the information contained in i-node The i-node should support up to 10 direct block addresses The i-node should support at least one indirect block address 2. The fist block is used for storing the i-node for the root directory(/). While your program is lunched, two directories (/dir1 and / dir1/dir2) should be created, and also two files need to be written as /dir1/file1 and /dir1/dir2/file2 (5 marks) 3. File 1 and 2 contain the message of “This is file 1.” and “This is file2”. 4. Following commands should be supported in your system: a) Create a file:createFile fileName fileSize (10 marks) i.e.:createFile /dir1/myFile 1024 (in bytes) if fileSiz > max file size, print out an error message. The file content is filled up with filename + repeated digits from 0 - 9 i.e.: “myFile012345678901234567890123….” b) Delete a file:deleteFile filename (10 marks) i.e.:deleteFile /dir1/myFile c) Create a directory:createDir (5 marks) i.e.:createDir /dir1/sub1 d) Delete a directory:deleteDir (5 marks) i.e.: deleteDir /dir1/sub1 (The current working directory is not allowed to be deleted) e) Change current working direcotry:changeDir (5 marks) i.e.: changeDir /dir2 f) List all the files and sub-directories under current working directory:dir (5 marks) You also need to list at least two file attributes. (i.e. file size, time created, etc.) g) Copy a file : cp (5 marks) i.e.: file1 file2 h) Display the usage of storage space:sum (10 marks) Display the usage of the 16MB



using namespace std;
#define MAX_BLOCK 16*1024;//block的总数目
int systemUsed =1642;
struct USER_INF{
char user_id[22];
char pass_word[20];
struct BOOT_BLOCK{
USER_INF user_inf [3];
int user_sum;
int current_user;
int free_inode;
int free_data_block;
int total_data_block;
int first_data_block;
int first_inode_block;
int last_inode_block;
int inode_bitmap_block;
int data_bitmap_block;
int sizeof_block;
char cwdir[1024];
char usrdir[1024];
struct I_NODE{
    int uid;
int lock;//0 can be delete1can;‘t delete
int read_only_flag;//0 can be for read and wirte 1 read only.
int type;//0 is directory 1 is data;
time_t create_time;
time_t modification_time;
time_t access_time;
int current_size;
int max_size;
int direct_addr[10];
int indirect_addr[2];
int shareDir;
int shareOffset;
struct DATA_BIT_MAP{
bool data_bit_map[16*1024-1642];
bool inode_bit_map[16*1024-1642];
long addr[256];
struct DATA_BLOCK{
 char content[1024];
//3是databit_map 2是inode_bitmap
long inode_number;
char name[16];

char name[16];
DIRECTORY directory[50];
struct DISK{
BOOT_BLOCK *boot_block;
SUPER_BLOCK *super_block;
INODE_BIT_MAP *i_node_bit_map;
DATA_BIT_MAP *data_bit_map;
I_NODE *i_node;

//three types of the data blocks
} *disk;//具体的block类型按需求赋值;

//help function!
int findFile_INode(long p char name[])//return file‘s inode
int pointer = -1;
time_t ti;
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
if(strcmp(disk[p].Dire_Block->directory[i].namename) == 0)
pointer = disk[p].Dire_Block->directory[i].inode_number;
disk[pointer].i_node->access_time = ti;
return pointer;
return pointer;
int findFreeINode()
for(int i= 0;itotal_data_block;i++)
return i+disk[1].super_block->first_inode_block;
int findFreeDataBlock()
for(int i= 0;itotal_data_block;i++)
return i+systemUsed;
DIRECTORY_BLOCK*  newDirectory()
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
return temp;
  for(int i=0;i<256;i++)
  return temp;
void assign_INode(int I)
time_t t;
disk[I].i_node->create_time =disk[I].i_node->access_time= disk[I].i_node->modification_time=t;
disk[I].i_node->uid =disk[0].boot_block->current_user;

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     文件       29357  2014-02-13 16:43  file_system.cpp
     文件      444910  2014-02-13 22:36  readme.doc
     文件     1316462  2014-02-13 22:33  操作系统课设报告.pdf


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