C/C++标准库源代码,从Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0即Visual Studio 2010中提取出来的,希望对大家的学习和工作有所帮助。

*abort.c - abort a program by raising SIGABRT
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines abort() - print a message and raise SIGABRT.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#else /* _DEBUG */
#endif /* _DEBUG */
unsigned int __abort_behavior = _INIT_ABORT_BEHAVIOR;
*void abort() - abort the current program by raising SIGABRT
* print out an abort message and raise the SIGABRT signal. If the user
* hasn‘t defined an abort handler routine terminate the program
* with exit status of 3 without cleaning up.
* Multi-thread version does not raise SIGABRT -- this isn‘t supported
* under multi-thread.
* None.
* Does not return.
void __cdecl abort (
_PHNDLR sigabrt_act = SIG_DFL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (__abort_behavior & _WRITE_ABORT_MSG)
/* write the abort message */
#endif /* _DEBUG */
/* Check if the user installed a handler for SIGABRT.
* We need to read the user handler atomically in the case
* another thread is aborting while we change the signal
* handler.
sigabrt_act = __get_sigabrt();
if (sigabrt_act != SIG_DFL)
/* If there is no user handler for SIGABRT or if the user
* handler returns then exit from the program anyway
if (__abort_behavior & _CALL_REPORTFAULT)
/* If we don‘t want to call ReportFault then we call _exit(3) which is the
* same as invoking the default handler for SIGABRT
*unsigned int _set_abort_behavior(unsigned int unsigned int) - set the behavior on abort
* unsigned int flags - the flags we want to set
* unsigned int mask - mask the flag values
* Return the old behavior flags
* None
unsigned int __cdecl _set_abort_behavior(unsigned int flags unsigned int mask)
unsigned int oldflags = __abort_behavior;
__abort_behavior = oldflags & (~mask) | flags & mask;
return oldflags;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-03-09 01:51 crt\
目录 0 2015-03-09 01:51 crt\src\
文件 2861 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\abort.c
文件 963 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\abs.c
文件 2891 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\access.c
文件 12247 2009-09-30 20:23 crt\src\Agent.cpp
文件 618694 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\agents.h
文件 164696 2009-09-30 20:23 crt\src\algorithm
文件 15706 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\align.c
文件 761 2009-09-30 20:23 crt\src\align.h
文件 20995 2009-09-30 20:23 crt\src\allocators
目录 0 2015-03-09 01:51 crt\src\AMD64\
文件 1747 2010-03-18 05:03 crt\src\AMD64\amdsecgs.asm
文件 636 2010-03-18 05:03 crt\src\AMD64\dllsupp.c
文件 13985 2009-09-30 20:23 crt\src\array
文件 5816 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\asctime.c
文件 11624 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\assert.c
文件 1225 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\assert.h
文件 436 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\atodbl.c
文件 4894 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\atodbl.inl
文件 2654 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\atof.c
文件 4090 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\atonexit.c
文件 3525 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\atox.c
文件 2942 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\awint.h
文件 8227 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\a_cmp.c
文件 2873 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\a_env.c
文件 3760 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\a_loc.c
文件 8683 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\a_map.c
文件 4929 2010-03-18 00:14 crt\src\a_str.c
文件 489 2009-08-31 03:59 crt\src\badfunction.cpp
文件 476 2009-08-31 03:59 crt\src\badweakptr.cpp
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