visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码
// cdib.cpp
// new version for WIN32
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “cdib.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
m_hFile = NULL;
m_hBitmap = NULL;
m_hPalette = NULL;
m_nBmihAlloc = m_nImageAlloc = noAlloc;
CDib::CDib(CSize size int nBitCount)
m_hFile = NULL;
m_hBitmap = NULL;
m_hPalette = NULL;
m_nBmihAlloc = m_nImageAlloc = noAlloc;
char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * m_nColorTableEntries];
m_nBmihAlloc = crtAlloc;
m_lpBMIH->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
m_lpBMIH->biWidth = size.cx;
m_lpBMIH->biHeight = size.cy;
m_lpBMIH->biPlanes = 1;
m_lpBMIH->biBitCount = nBitCount;
m_lpBMIH->biCompression = BI_RGB;
m_lpBMIH->biSizeImage = 0;
m_lpBMIH->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
m_lpBMIH->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
m_lpBMIH->biClrUsed = m_nColorTableEntries;
m_lpBMIH->biClrImportant = m_nColorTableEntries;
memset(m_lpvColorTable 0 sizeof(RGBQUAD) * m_nColorTableEntries);
m_lpImage = NULL; // no data yet
CSize CDib::GetDimensions()
if(m_lpBMIH == NULL) return CSize(0 0);
return CSize((int) m_lpBMIH->biWidth (int) m_lpBMIH->biHeight);
BOOL CDib::AttachMapFile(const char* strPathname BOOL bShare) // for reading
// if we open the same file twice Windows treats it as 2 separate files
// doesn‘t work with rare BMP files where # palette entries > biClrUsed
HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(strPathname GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ
bShare ? FILE_SHARE_READ : 0
DWORD dwFileSize = ::GetFileSize(hFile NULL);
HANDLE hMap = ::CreateFileMapping(hFile NULL PAGE_READWRITE 0 0 NULL);
DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError();
if(hMap == NULL)
AfxMessageBox(“Empty bitmap file“);
return FALSE;
LPVOID lpvFile = ::MapViewOfFile(hMap FILE_MAP_WRITE 0 0 0); // map whole file
ASSERT(lpvFile != NULL);
if(((LPBITMAPFILEHEADER) lpvFile)->bfType != 0x4d42)
AfxMessageBox(“Invalid bitmap file“);
return FALSE;
AttachMemory((LPBYTE) lpvFile + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
m_lpvFile = lpvFile;
m_hFile = hFile;
m_hMap = hMap;
return TRUE;
BOOL CDib::CopyToMapFile(const char* strPathname)
// copies DIB to a new file releases prior pointers
// if you previously used CreateSection the HBITMAP will be NULL (and unusable)
bmfh.bfType = 0x4d42; // ‘BM‘
bmfh.bfSize = m_dwSizeImage + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
sizeof(RGBQUAD) * m_nColorTableEntries + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
// meaning of bfSize open to interpretation
bmfh.bfReserved1 = bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 21504 2006-03-16 14:27 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\光盘使用说明.doc
文件 28160 2002-11-12 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\用MFC封装图象处理Dll.doc
文件 30449 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Dibapi.cpp
文件 1879 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Dibapi.h
文件 17980 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.aps
文件 334 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.clw
文件 8405 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.cpp
文件 329 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.def
文件 4327 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.dsp
文件 539 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.dsw
文件 1275 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.h
文件 107520 2002-10-08 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.ncb
文件 56832 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.opt
文件 1288 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.plg
文件 3077 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\GeoTrans.rc
文件 2590 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\ReadMe.txt
文件 380 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Resource.h
文件 210 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\StdAfx.cpp
文件 1447 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\StdAfx.h
文件 26949 2002-10-07 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\TransDIB.cpp
文件 917 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\TransDIB.h
文件 400 2002-09-30 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\res\GeoTrans.rc2
文件 23854 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\DIBAPI.obj
文件 0 2005-03-03 13:58 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\DIBAPI.sbr
文件 1347658 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.dll
文件 2225 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.exp
文件 4952 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.lib
文件 20102 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.obj
文件 2360320 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.pdb
文件 6828 2004-02-26 00:00 visual c++数字图像处理(何斌)光盘源代码\vc digital image processing code\封装的dll\GeoTrans\Debug\GeoTrans.res
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