包括CEC2017测试函数的C++源码、matlab示例和文献Definitions of CEC2017 benchmark suite final version updated

CEC17 Test Function Suite for Single objective Optimization
Noor Awad (email: noor0029@ntu.edu.sg)
Dec. 20th 2013
#define INF 1.0e99
#define EPS 1.0e-14
#define E 2.7182818284590452353602874713526625
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
void sphere_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Sphere */
void ellips_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Ellipsoidal */
void bent_cigar_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Discus */
void discus_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Bent_Cigar */
void dif_powers_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Different Powers */
void rosenbrock_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Rosenbrock‘s */
void schaffer_F7_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Schwefel‘s F7 */
void ackley_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Ackley‘s */
void rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Rastrigin‘s */
void weierstrass_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Weierstrass‘s */
void griewank_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Griewank‘s */
void schwefel_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Schwefel‘s */
void katsuura_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Katsuura */
void bi_rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Lunacek Bi_rastrigin */
void grie_rosen_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Griewank-Rosenbrock */
void escaffer6_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Expanded Scaffer¡¯s F6 */
void step_rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Noncontinuous Rastrigin‘s */
void happycat_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* HappyCat */
void hgbat_func (double * double * int double *double * int int); /* HGBat */
/* New functions Noor Changes */
void sum_diff_pow_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Sum of different power */
void zakharov_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* ZAKHAROV */
void levy_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Levy */
void dixon_price_func(double * double * int double *double * int int); /* Dixon and Price */
void hf01 (double * double * int double *double * int *int int); /* Hybrid Function 1 */
void hf02 (double * double * int double *double * int *int int); /* Hybrid Function 2 */
void hf03 (double * double * int double *double * int *int int); /* Hybrid Function 3 */
void hf04 (double * double * int double *double * int *int int);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 40482 2017-06-29 12:46 codes\C version\cec17_test_func.cpp
文件 2520 2016-09-04 19:48 codes\C version\input_data\M_10_D10.txt
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文件 104 2016-09-04 19:48 codes\C version\input_data\M_10_D2.txt
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文件 22560 2016-09-04 19:48 codes\C version\input_data\M_16_D30.txt
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