
function [DP] = all_shortest_paths(Avarargin)
% all_shortest_paths Compute the weighted all pairs shortest path problem.
% D = all_shortest_paths(A) returns the distance matrix D for all vertices
% where D(ij) indicates the shortest path distance between vertex i and
% vertex j.
% For the Floyd-Warshall algorithm this function can return the
% predecessor matrix as well:
% [D P]=all_shortest_paths(Astruct(‘algname‘‘floyd_warshall‘));
% returns P so that the P(ij) is the node preceeding j on the path from
% i to j. To build the path between (ij) use the commands
% p=[]; while j~=0 p(end+1)=j; j=P(ij); end; p=fliplr(p);
% ... = all_shortest_paths(Au...) takes a set of
% key-value pairs or an options structure. See set_matlab_bgl_options
% for the standard options.
% options.algname: the algorithm to use
% [{‘auto‘} | ‘johnson‘ | ‘floyd_warshall‘]
% options.inf: the value to use for unreachable vertices
% [double > 0 | {Inf}]
% options.edge_weight: a double array over the edges with an edge
% weight for each node see EDGE_INDEX and EXAMPLES/REWEIGHTED_GRAPHS
% for information on how to use this option correctly
% [{‘matrix‘} | length(nnz(A)) double vector]
% Note: ‘auto‘ cannot be used with ‘nocheck‘ = 1. The ‘auto‘ algorithms
% checks the number of edges in A and if the graph is more than 10% dense
% it uses the Floyd-Warshall algorithm instead of Johnson‘s algorithm.
% Example:
% load graphs/clr-26-1.mat
% all_shortest_paths(A)
% all_shortest_paths(Astruct(‘algname‘‘johnson‘))
% David Gleich
% Copyright Stanford University 2006-2008
%% History
% 2006-04-19: Initial version
% 2006-05-31: Added full2sparse check
% 2007-03-01: Added option for predecessor matrix from floyd_warshall
% 2007-04-20: Added edge weight option
% 2007-07-08: Fixed typos in strings and documentation
% Removed fixes for the Johnson algorithm
% 2007-07-12: Fixed edge_weight documentation.
% 2007-07-21: Fixed divide by 0 error in check for algorithm type
% 2008-04-02: Added documenation for predecessor matrix
% 2008-10-07: Changed options parsing
[trans check full2sparse] = get_matlab_bgl_options(varargin{:});
if full2sparse && ~issparse(A) A = sparse(A); end
options = struct(‘algname‘ ‘auto‘ ‘inf‘ Inf ‘edge_weight‘ ‘matrix‘);
options = merge_options(optionsvarargin{:});
% edge_weights is an indicator that is 1 if we are using edge_weights
% passed on the command line or 0 if we are using the matrix.
%edge_weights = 0;
edge_weight_opt = ‘matrix‘;
if strcmp(options.edge_weight ‘matrix‘)
% do nothing if we are using the matrix weights
edge_weight_opt = options.edge_weight;
if check
% check the values of the matrix
% set the algname
if strcmpi(options.algname ‘auto‘)
nz = nnz(A);
if (nz/(numel(A)+1) > .1)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 208 2008-10-22 09:37 matlab_bgl\.project
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文件 195 2008-10-22 09:37 matlab_bgl\@inplace\display.m
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