• 大小: 1.9MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
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    发布日期: 2023-10-12
  • 语言: C/C++
  • 标签: Design  Patterns  


Design Patterns are also a fun investigation of how a problem can be solved in many different ways, with varying degrees of technical sophistication and different sorts of trade-offs. Some patterns are more or less essential and unavoidable, whereas other patterns are more of a scientific curiosity (but nevertheless will be discussed in this book, since I’m a completionist). Readers should be aware that comprehensive solutions to certain problems (e.g., the Observer pattern) typically result in overengineering, that is, the creation of structures that are far more complicated than is necessary for most typical scenarios. While overengineering is a lot of fun (hey, you get to really solve the problem and impress your coworkers), it’s often not feasible.



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件     2945249  2018-05-26 15:03  Design Patterns in Modern C++_Reusable Approaches for object-oriented Software Design-Apress(2018).pdf


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