里面包括C语言源码,用到的各种库和安装包、实验报告等。用DEV C++开发的,详细信息可见 http://blog.csdn.net/zuzhiang/article/details/78934402
#define LINE_LEN 16
#include “winsock.h“
#include “pcap.h“
typedef struct ip_address
{ //ip地址
u_char b1;
u_char b2;
u_char b3;
u_char b4;
} ip_address;
typedef struct mac_address
u_char b1;
u_char b2;
u_char b3;
u_char b4;
u_char b5;
u_char b6;
} mac_address;
typedef struct ethe_header
{ //mac帧首部
mac_address mac_dest_address;
mac_address mac_source_address;
u_short ether_type;
} ethe_header;
typedef struct ip_header
{ //ip地址首部
u_char ver_ihl; // 版本 (4 bits) + 首部长度 (4 bits)
u_char tos; // 服务类型(Type of service)
u_short tlen; // 总长(Total length)
u_short identification; // 标识(Identification)
u_short flags_fo; // 标志位(Flags) (3 bits) + 段偏移量(Fragment offset) (13 bits)
u_char ttl; // 存活时间(Time to live)
u_char proto; // 协议(Protocol)
u_short crc; // 首部校验和(Header checksum)
ip_address saddr; // 源地址(Source address)
ip_address daddr; // 目的地址(Destination address)
u_int op_pad; // 选项与填充(Option + Padding)
} ip_header;
typedef struct udp_header
{ //UPD首部
u_short sport; // 源端口(Source port)
u_short dport; // 目的端口(Destination port)
u_short len; // UDP数据包长度(Datagram length)
u_short crc; // 校验和(Checksum)
} udp_header;
typedef struct tcp_header
{ //TCP首部
u_short sport; // 源端口(16位)
u_short dport; // 目的端口(16位)
u_int num; // 序列号 (32位)
u_int ack; // 确认号(32位)
u_short sum; // 数据偏移(4位),保留(6位),标志位(6位)
u_short windonw; // 窗口 (16位)
u_short crc; // 检验和 (16位)
u_short ugr; // 紧急指针(16位)
} tcp_header;
void packet_handler(u_char * param const struct pcap_pkthdr * header const u_char *pkt_data);
int main()
pcap_if_t * alldevs *device;
int i = 0;
int iNum;
u_int netmask;
struct bpf_program fcode;
pcap_t * adhandle;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
char packet_filter[] = “(ip and udp) or (ip and tcp) or (ip and icmp)“;
if (pcap_findalldevs_ex(PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING NULL &alldevs errbuf) == -1)
{ //获取设备列表
fprintf(stderr“无法打开网络设备:%s\n“ errbuf);
return 1;
for (device = alldevs; device != NULL; device = device->next)
{ //打印列表
if (i == 0)
printf(“请按CTRL + C退出!\n\n“);
printf(“%d. %s\n“ ++i device -> name);
if (device->description)
printf(“ (%s)\n“ device->description);
if (i == 0)
return -1;
printf(“请选择网络设备接口:(1 - %d):“ i);
scanf(“%d“ &iNum);
if (iNum < 1 || iNum > i)
return -1;
for (device = alldevs i = 0;i < iNum -1 ; device = device -> nexti+
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