This book introduces programmers to 64 bit Intel assembly language using the Microsoft Windows operating system. The book also discusses how to use the free integrated development environment, ebe, designed by the author specifically to meet the needs of assembly language programmers. Ebe is a C++ program which uses the Qt library to implement a GUI environment consisting of a source window, a data window, a register window, a floating point register window, a backtrace window, a console window, a terminal window, a project window and a pair of teaching tools called the "Toy Box" and the "Bit Bucket". The source window includes a full-featured text editor with convenient controls for assembling, linking and debugging a program. The project facility allows a program to be built from C source code files and assembly source files. Assembly is performed automatically using the yasm assembler and linking is performed with ld or gcc. Debugging operates by transparently sending commands into the gdb debugger while automatically displaying registers and variables after each debugging step. The Toy Box allows the use to enter variable definitions and expressions in either C++ or Fortran and it builds a program to evaluate the expressions. Then the user can inspect the format of each expression. The Bit Bucket allows the user to explore how the computer stores and manipulates integers and floating point numbers. Additional information about ebe can be found at http://www.rayseyfarth.com. The book is intended as a first assembly language book for programmers experienced in high level programming in a language like C or C++. The assembly programming is performed using the yasm assembler automatically from the ebe IDE under the Linux operating system. The book primarily teaches how to write assembly code compatible with C programs. The reader will learn to call C functions from assembly language and to call assembly functions from C in addition to writing complete programs in as
- 上一篇:书中-part2-1
- 下一篇:C++课后小练习(类、继承、多态等有关小程序)
- 画图软件(直线、矩形、椭圆、三角
- C语言在vc下编写的Windows窗口小程序
- VC++6.0 MFC的学生信息管理系统
- windows更新清理工具
- C++绘制曲线图 温度计图
- 功能完善的俄罗斯方块程序(C语言编
- Windows程序设计小游戏捕鱼达人
- netcdf 4.4.1 c/c++类库windows64位绿色版
- windows下获取CPU、BIOS、硬盘、MAC地址
- RTX与Windows进程通信互斥对象+共享内存
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime 64bit 工具
- C/C++:Windows编程—调用DLL程序的2种方
- 基于tcp 的windows发送文件系统mfc界面
- Windows编程大作业
- 用C++、Qt实现的记事本,模拟Windows自
- Windows GDI 飞机游戏源码和图片
- Windows个人防火墙的设计与实现
- Windows 核心编程第五版(Windows Via C
- Windows设备驱动程序WDF开发源码
- 学单词小软件 MFC
- C++实现吃豆子人小游戏windows控制台
- traceroute在windows下的c++实现源代码
- WindowsAPI参考大全forCC++(chm)
- 我用VS2010 C++和windows API制作的坦克大
- Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK
- C语言Windows程序设计 机房收费管理系
- Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly Lea
- VC++6.0 安装包,及Windows10安装解决方案
- Programming Windows with MFC
- Microsoft Visual C++ 14.02019
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