jpeg jpg 解码 C++源码 主程序只有1个cpp文件,非常简结
/*#ifdef WIN32 //windows
#else //linux
/ 1. get JPEG image data and decode
/ 2. save bufferdata to jpeg file
/ the original code come from internet for free I optimize some segments.
/ you can free copy this code except useing for profit
/ Any fault in this code is not the responsibility of meit‘s not my thing
/ by :bot
/ :2010
#ifndef __JPEGDEC_H__
#define __JPEGDEC_H__
#define BYTE unsigned char
#define WORD unsigned short int
#define DWORD unsigned int
#define SDWORD signed int
#define SBYTE signed char
#define SWORD signed short int
int load_JPEG_header(FILE *fp DWORD *X_image DWORD *Y_image);
void decode_JPEG_image();
int get_JPEG_buffer(WORD X_image WORD Y_image BYTE **address_dest_buffer);
char *FileName=“11.jpg“;
extern char error_string[90];
typedef struct s_BM_header {
WORD BMP_id ; // ‘B‘‘M‘
DWORD size; // size in bytes of the BMP file
DWORD zero_res; // 0
DWORD offbits; // 54
DWORD biSize; // 0x28
DWORD Width; // X
DWORD Height; // Y
WORD biPlanes; // 1
WORD biBitCount ; // 24
DWORD biCompression; // 0 = BI_RGB
DWORD biSizeImage; // 0
DWORD biXPelsPerMeter; // 0xB40
DWORD biYPelsPerMeter; // 0xB40
DWORD biClrUsed; //0
DWORD biClrImportant; //0
} BM_header;
typedef struct s_RGB {
} RGB;
void exitmessage(char *message)
void write_buf_to_BMP(BYTE *im_buffer WORD X_bitmap WORD Y_bitmap char *BMPname)
RGB *pixel;
BM_header BH;
FILE *fp_bitmap;
DWORD im_loc_bytes;
BYTE nr_fillingbytes i;
BYTE zero_byte=0;
if (fp_bitmap==NULL) exitmessage(“File cannot be created“);
if (X_bitmap%4!=0) nr_fillingbytes=4-((X_bitmap*3L)%4);
else nr_fillingbytes=0;
BH.BMP_id = ‘M‘*256+‘B‘; fwrite(&BH.BMP_id21fp_bitmap);
BH.zero_res = 0; fwrite(&BH.zero_res41fp_bitmap);
BH.offbits = 54; fwrite(&BH.offbits41fp_bitmap);
BH.biSize = 0x28; fwrite(&BH.biSize41fp_bitmap);
BH.Width = X_bitmap; fwrite(&BH.Width41fp_bitmap);
BH.Height = Y_bitmap; fwrite(&BH.Height41fp_bitmap);
BH.biPlanes = 1; fwrite(&BH.biPlanes21fp_bitmap);
BH.biBitCount = 24; fwrite(&BH.biBitCount21fp_bitmap);
BH.biCompression = 0; fwrite(&BH.biCompression41fp_bitmap);
BH.biSizeImage =
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 140739 2009-12-22 07:19 Work\1.jpg
文件 138784 2009-12-22 07:19 Work\2.jpg
文件 62102 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug\JpegDecode.obj
文件 23246 2010-03-14 15:21 Work\Debug\JpegDecode.sbr
文件 50176 2010-03-28 15:08 Work\Debug\vc60.idb
文件 61440 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug\vc60.pdb
文件 74752 2010-03-14 15:20 Work\Debug\Work.bsc
文件 229426 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug\Work.exe
文件 385152 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug\Work.ilk
文件 227352 2010-03-14 16:31 Work\Debug\Work.pch
文件 533504 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug\Work.pdb
文件 4177974 2010-03-28 15:08 Work\image.bmp
文件 34935 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\JpegDecode.cpp
文件 4260 2010-03-14 16:35 Work\Work.dsp
文件 533 2010-03-14 11:27 Work\Work.dsw
文件 49664 2010-03-28 15:11 Work\Work.opt
文件 1525 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Work.plg
目录 0 2010-03-14 19:13 Work\Debug
目录 0 2010-03-28 15:11 Work
文件 58368 2010-03-28 15:11 Work\Work.ncb
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
6253932 20
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