libcstl是使用C语言编写的一个通用的数据结构和常用的算法库,它模仿SGI STL的接口和实现,支持vector,list,deque等等常用的数据结构,同时还支持排序,查找,划分等常用的算法,此外libcstl也包含迭 代器的类型,它作为容器和算法之间的桥梁。libcstl为C语言编程中的数据管理提供了便利。
* The implementation of algorithm.
* Copyright (C) 2008200920102011 Wangbo
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not write to the Free Software
* Foundation Inc. 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110-1301 USA
* Author e-mail: activesys.wb@gmail.com
* activesys@sina.com.cn
/** include section **/
#include se.h>
#include se_private.h>
/** local constant declaration and local macro section **/
#define _CSTL_SORT_THRESHOLD 16 /* the threshold of insert sort and quick sort */
/** local data type declaration and local struct union enum section **/
/** local function prototype section **/
* Partition with bidirectional_iterator_t.
static bidirectional_iterator_t _partition_biditer(
bidirectional_iterator_t t_first bidirectional_iterator_t t_last
unary_function_t t_unary_op);
* Rotates the elements in the range [t_first t_last).
static void _rotate_forward(
forward_iterator_t t_first
forward_iterator_t t_middle
forward_iterator_t t_last);
* The implement of insertion sort.
static void _insertion_sort_if(
random_access_iterator_t t_first random_access_iterator_t t_last
binary_function_t t_binary_op char* pc_value);
* Return the median of three random_access_iterator_t
static random_access_iterator_t _median_of_three_if(
random_access_iterator_t t_first
random_access_iterator_t t_middle
random_access_iterator_t t_last
binary_function_t t_binary_op);
* Compute the logarithm of t_n.
static size_t _lg(size_t t_n);
* The implement of intro sort.
static void _intro_sort_if(
random_access_iterator_t t_first random_access_iterator_t t_last
binary_function_t t_binary_op size_t t_depth char* pc_value);
/** exported global variable definition section **/
/** local global variable definition section **/
/** exported function implementation section **/
output_iterator_t algo_set_union(
input_iterator_t t_first1 input_iterator_t t_last1
input_iterator_t t_first2 input_iterator_t t_last2
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