using namespace std;
* Figure 1.16: Implements the big five.
class IntCell
explicit IntCell( int initialValue = 0 )
{ storedValue = new int{ initialValue }; }
int read( ) const
{ return *storedValue; }
void write( int x )
{ *storedValue = x; }
int *storedValue;
* Figure 1.17.
int f( )
IntCell a{ 2 };
IntCell b = a;
IntCell c;
c = b;
a.write( 4 );
cout << a.read( ) << endl << b.read( ) << endl << c.read( ) << endl;
return 0;
int main( )
f( );
return 0;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2019-03-23 15:49 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\
文件 8196 2019-03-23 15:49 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\.DS_Store
目录 0 2019-03-23 15:50 __MACOSX\
目录 0 2019-03-23 15:50 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\
文件 120 2019-03-23 15:49 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\._.DS_Store
目录 0 2013-05-19 00:43 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\
文件 10670 2012-12-04 21:43 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\AvlTree.h
目录 0 2019-03-23 15:50 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\
文件 216 2012-12-04 21:43 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._AvlTree.h
文件 4050 2013-03-04 12:43 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\BinaryHeap.h
文件 216 2013-03-04 12:43 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._BinaryHeap.h
文件 8219 2012-12-04 21:43 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\BinarySearchTree.h
文件 216 2012-12-04 21:43 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._BinarySearchTree.h
文件 8679 2012-12-04 22:14 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\BinomialQueue.h
文件 216 2012-12-04 22:14 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._BinomialQueue.h
文件 619 2012-11-17 12:36 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\BuggyIntCell.cpp
文件 216 2012-11-17 12:36 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._BuggyIntCell.cpp
文件 1035 2012-09-15 00:21 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\CaseInsensitiveHashTable.cpp
文件 216 2012-09-15 00:21 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._CaseInsensitiveHashTable.cpp
文件 896 2012-09-04 22:22 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\CuckooHashTable.cpp
文件 216 2012-09-04 22:22 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._CuckooHashTable.cpp
文件 7400 2013-05-18 23:51 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\CuckooHashTable.h
文件 216 2013-05-18 23:51 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._CuckooHashTable.h
文件 880144 2005-07-18 15:08 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\dict.txt
文件 216 2005-07-18 15:08 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._dict.txt
文件 1192 2013-04-18 22:09 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\DisjSets.cpp
文件 216 2013-04-18 22:09 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._DisjSets.cpp
文件 762 2005-07-05 10:57 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\DisjSets.h
文件 216 2005-07-05 10:57 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._DisjSets.h
文件 283 2005-07-13 23:18 Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\dsexceptions.h
文件 216 2005-07-13 23:18 __MACOSX\Solution&Code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4E\code\._dsexceptions.h
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