• 大小: 89.6MB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 1
    下载: 3 次
    发布日期: 2024-01-27
  • 语言: C/C++
  • 标签: FastReport  


FastReport V6.4.13 VCL Enterprise(安装包源代码版含正版Key),安装后,全部为源代码版。内含正版6.X正版安装序列号(授权码),内部使用请珍惜!当前官司最新版。支持Delphi 7-XE8, C++Builder 2005-XE8 and Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio。【Current version】 ---------------------------- - Fixed TfrxDMPMemoView bounds in the PDF export - Fixed exporting of fsAltDot frame line style in the PDF export - Fixed C++ Builder compatibility [6.4.7 - 6.4.9] - Fixed division by zero in the PDF export [6.4.4 - 6.4.6] - Fixed wrong behaviour of Table object with vertical bands - Fixed FIB connection form [6.4.3] - Fixed TfrxMailExport when it cancelled - Fixed AV when set TfrxCustomExportFilter.ShowDialog in OnBeginExport event [6.4.2] - Fixed EAN13 barcode drawing - Fixed Underlines with LineSpacing printing [6.4.1] - Fixed Invalid ImageList error


 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

     文件   93949792  2019-10-15 17:46  FastReport V6.4.13 VCL Enterprise\FastReport 6_4_13.exe

     文件         96  2019-06-17 15:27  FastReport V6.4.13 VCL Enterprise\FR安装序列号6.X.txt

     目录          0  2019-10-15 20:14  FastReport V6.4.13 VCL Enterprise

----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

             93949888                    3


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