小波变换算法 c语言版 图像处理 信号处理
todos :
. lots of <> marks scattered around in the many modules
. at “stop“ functionality to ZT coders by including a “stop_subband“
and setting the ZT “bottom“ flag in that subband.
This would be something like the !propZTs of golfz
. lifting transform
. quantizers.c is poorly estimating distortion & entropy
chooseQuantizers needs lots of work
(stopAtQuantizer makes this a low-priority problem)
. DCT works great with uniform quantizers but wavelets (especially the S+P)
are killed by large quantization of the top LL band
. my old adaptive quantizers idea
. the ultimate goal is for the encoders to have tune-able parameters
that are optimized *per band* (such as context sizes). The
sever form of this is to actually choose different coders for
different bands but that is more tricky because it is critical
that coders are given passes to adapt; (this could be done by
manually conditioning the new coder each time there‘s a change
but that would be slow for the decoder)
//#define LL_WAVE_CNTX
#define readImageFile readImageFileBytes
#define writeImageFile writeImageFileBytes
#define dataBytes 1
/** some globals set by the mainline for reference by the coders ;
/*** the various coder templates available : ***/
extern int tune_param;
const static int default_lossless_coder = 11; // an order-1
int main(int argcchar *argv[])
image *im=NULL*save=NULL*im_work=NULL; // allocs
wavelet *wavelet = NULL;
char *sourceName;
int iqtypeqflags;
int complenstop_comp_len;
int widthheightplanesll_widthll_height;
int levelscoderNlosslessNtransformN;
double quantizerstop_comp_rate;
bool writeWavewriteDecdoLosslesswriteDeltasdoQuantdoYUVinterleaveddo_pauseoldSchoolwavePacket;
int autotune_minautotune_maxautotune_step;
const coder * coder_template;
double forw_timeenc_timedec_timeinv_time;
errputs(“WaveCoder v1.7 (c) 1998 by cBloom“);
if ( argc < 4 ) {
errputs(“wavecoder : tree-structured transforms and coders“);
errputs(“usage: wt -[flag] ...“);
errputs(“ o : old Skool yo no subband waveletpackets“);
errputs(“ c# : choose coder #“);
errputs(“ l# : choose # of levels (default 4)“);
errputs(“ p# : set # of planes > 1“);
errputs(“ x# : set tune param“);
errputs(“ a### : auto-tune param “);
errputs(“ s# : stop at bitrate #“);
errputs(“ y : do YUV (also sets planes to 3)“);
errputs(“ i : interleaved multi-planes“);
errputs(“ ll : code
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 25046 2003-04-30 08:28 小波变换算法\wtlib\subbands.c
文件 6107 2003-04-30 08:13 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bp_sorted.c
文件 15491 2003-04-30 08:13 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bpb.c
文件 8886 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bpb2.c
文件 8034 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_nop.c
文件 4703 2003-04-30 08:29 小波变换算法\wtlib\wpacket.c
文件 4106 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\cdf22.c
文件 3000 2003-04-30 08:11 小波变换算法\wtlib\cdf24.c
文件 4601 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\bcw3.c
文件 4360 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\d4.c
文件 5014 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\b97.c
文件 4469 2003-04-30 08:20 小波变换算法\wtlib\f97.c
文件 5129 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\l97.c
文件 5279 2003-04-30 08:08 小波变换算法\wtlib\spt.c
文件 30560 2003-04-30 08:27 小波变换算法\wtlib\quantutil.c
文件 0 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\quantuil.c
文件 5872 2003-04-30 08:24 小波变换算法\wtlib\quantim.c
文件 26413 2003-04-30 08:24 小波变换算法\wtlib\image.c
文件 4745 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\idct.c
文件 4898 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\haar2.c
文件 1514 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\haar.c
文件 4907 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\fdct.c
文件 4162 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\dwt.c
文件 8686 2003-04-30 08:23 小波变换算法\wtlib\codezt.c
文件 3539 2003-04-30 08:04 小波变换算法\wtlib\wt_codeutil.c
文件 3770 2003-04-30 08:15 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_o1.c
文件 6856 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bpbf_zt.c
文件 14647 1998-10-10 18:14 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bp_zt2.c
文件 5586 2003-04-30 08:12 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_bitplane.c
文件 10358 2003-04-30 08:23 小波变换算法\wtlib\coder_sh_o1.c
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