#define GL_BGR_EXT 0x80E0
#define GL_BGRA_EXT 0x80E1
GLfloat light_position1[]={028-201.0};
GLfloat model_ambient[]={0.05f0.05f0.05f1.0f};
GLfloat mat_specular[]={};
GLfloat mat_shininess[]={5.0};
GLfloat mat_ambient[]={};
GLfloat white_light[]={};
GLfloat light[]={};
GLfloat light_position0[]={028201.0};
GLint WinWidth;
GLint WinHeight;
//define the eyepoint
typedef struct EyePoint
GLfloat x;
GLfloat y;
GLfloat z;
EyePoint myEye;
EyePoint vPoint;
GLfloat vAngle=0;
//the function about the texture
#define BMP_Header_Length 54
void grab(void) {
FILE* pDummyFile; FILE* pWritingFile;
GLubyte* pPixelData;
GLubyte BMP_Header[BMP_Header_Length];
GLint i j;
GLint PixelDataLength;
i = WinWidth * 3;
while( i%4 != 0 )
PixelDataLength = i *
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