RTSP客户端Lib开源代码,所有代码都是用C 实现。
/* * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ * */ /* File: RTSPClient.cpp Contains: . */ #ifndef __Win32__ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include "RTSPClient.h" #include "StringParser.h" #include "OSMemory.h" #include "OSHeaders.h" #include "OSArrayObjectDeleter.h" #include <errno.h> #define ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION 1 // STRTOCHAR is used in verbose mode and for debugging static char temp[2048]; static char * STRTOCHAR(StrPtrLen *theStr) { temp[0] = 0; UInt32 len = theStr->Len < 2047 ? theStr->Len : 2047; if (theStr->Len > 0 || NULL != theStr->Ptr) { memcpy(temp,theStr->Ptr,len); temp[len] = 0; } else strcpy(temp,"Empty Ptr or len is 0"); return temp; } //======== includes for authentication ====== #include "base64.h" #include "md5digest.h" #include "OS.h" //=========================================== static UInt8 sWhiteQuoteOrEOLorEqual[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, //0-9 // \t is a stop 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //10-19 //'\r' & '\n' are stop conditions 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //20-29 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //30-39 ' ' , '"' is a stop 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //40-49 ',' is a stop 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //50-59 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //60-69 '=' is a stop 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //70-79 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //80-89 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //90-99 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //100-109 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //110-119 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //120-129 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //130-139 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //140-149 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //150-159 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //160-169 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //170-179 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //180-189 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //190-199 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //200-209 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //210-219 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //220-229 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //230-239 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //240-249 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 //250-255 }; static UInt8 sNOTWhiteQuoteOrEOLorEqual[] = // don't stop { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, //0-9 // on '\t' 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //10-19 // '\r', '\n' 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //20-29 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //30-39 // ' ' 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //40-49 // ',' 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //50-59 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //60-69 // '=' 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //70-79 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //80-89 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //90-99 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //100-109 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //110-119 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //120-129 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //130-139 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //140-149 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //150-159 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //160-169 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //170-179 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //180-189 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //190-199 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //200-209 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //210-219 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //220-229 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //230-239 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //240-249 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 //250-255 }; StrPtrLen Authenticator::sAuthorizationStr("Authorization:"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sAuthBasicStr("Basic"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sAuthDigestStr("Digest"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sUsernameStr("username"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sRealmStr("realm"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sWildCardMatch("*"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sTrue("true"); StrPtrLen Authenticator::sFalse("false"); Authenticator::Authenticator() { char *emptyBuff = ""; StrPtrLen emptySPL(emptyBuff); this->SetName(&emptySPL); this->SetPassword(&emptySPL); this->SetRealm(&emptySPL); } void Authenticator::Clean() { delete [] fAuthBuffer.Ptr; fAuthBuffer.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fNameSPL.Ptr; fNameSPL.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fPasswordSPL.Ptr; fPasswordSPL.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fRealmSPL.Ptr;fRealmSPL.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fMethodSPL.Ptr; fMethodSPL.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fURISPL.Ptr ; fURISPL.Set(NULL); } Bool16 Authenticator::ParseRealm(StringParser *realmParserPtr) { StrPtrLen authRealmTag(""); Bool16 result = false; this->ParseTag(realmParserPtr,&authRealmTag); if (authRealmTag.EqualIgnoreCase(Authenticator::sRealmStr.Ptr, Authenticator::sRealmStr.Len)) { result = this->GetParamValueAsNewCopy(realmParserPtr, &this->fRealmSPL); } return result; } void Authenticator::SetName(StrPtrLen *inNamePtr) { this->CopyParam(inNamePtr, &this->fNameSPL); } void Authenticator::SetPassword(StrPtrLen *inPasswordPtr) { this->CopyParam(inPasswordPtr, &fPasswordSPL); } void Authenticator::SetMethod(StrPtrLen *inMethodStr) { this->CopyParam(inMethodStr, &fMethodSPL); } void Authenticator::SetRealm(StrPtrLen *inRealmPtr) { this->CopyParam(inRealmPtr, &fRealmSPL); } void Authenticator::SetURI(StrPtrLen *inURIPtr) { // always send absolute path. Assert(inURIPtr); UInt16 uriLen = (UInt16) (inURIPtr->Len 2); delete [] fURISPL.Ptr; fURISPL.Ptr = NEW char[uriLen]; fURISPL.Len = inURIPtr->Len; memset(fURISPL.Ptr, 0, uriLen); char *destinationPtr = fURISPL.Ptr; if (*inURIPtr->Ptr != '/') { *destinationPtr = '/'; destinationPtr ; fURISPL.Len ; } memcpy(destinationPtr, inURIPtr->Ptr,inURIPtr->Len); } void Authenticator::ParseTag(StringParser *parserPtr,StrPtrLen *outTagPtr) { Assert(parserPtr); Assert(outTagPtr); outTagPtr->Ptr = NULL; outTagPtr->Len = 0; parserPtr->ConsumeUntil(NULL,sNOTWhiteQuoteOrEOLorEqual); parserPtr->ConsumeUntil(outTagPtr, sWhiteQuoteOrEOLorEqual); // stop on whitespace " or = //qtss_printf("Authenticator::ParseTag =%s\n",STRTOCHAR(outTagPtr)); } Bool16 Authenticator::CopyParam(StrPtrLen *inPtr, StrPtrLen *destPtr) { Assert(inPtr); Assert(destPtr); delete [] destPtr->Ptr; destPtr->Set(NULL,0); destPtr->Ptr = NEW char[inPtr->Len 1]; if (destPtr->Ptr == NULL) { destPtr->Len = 0; return false; } destPtr->Ptr[inPtr->Len] = 0; destPtr->Len = inPtr->Len; if (destPtr->Len > 0) { ::memcpy(destPtr->Ptr,inPtr->Ptr,inPtr->Len); } return true; } Bool16 Authenticator::GetParamValue(StringParser *valueSourcePtr, StrPtrLen *outParamValuePtr) { Assert(valueSourcePtr); Assert(outParamValuePtr); Assert(outParamValuePtr->Ptr == NULL); StrPtrLen temp; outParamValuePtr->Set(NULL,0); { char temp[1024]; memcpy(temp,valueSourcePtr->GetCurrentPosition(),valueSourcePtr->GetDataRemaining()); temp[valueSourcePtr->GetDataRemaining()] = 0; } valueSourcePtr->ConsumeUntil(&temp, sNOTWhiteQuoteOrEOLorEqual); if ( (temp.Len > 0) && ( '"' == temp.Ptr[temp.Len -1] ) )// if quote read to next quote or end { valueSourcePtr->ConsumeUntil(outParamValuePtr, '"'); //qtss_printf("Found quoted value=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(outParamValuePtr)); } else // get just the non-whitespace or EOL { //qtss_printf("Authenticator::GetParamValue No quotes\n"); valueSourcePtr->ConsumeWhitespace(); valueSourcePtr->ConsumeUntilWhitespace(outParamValuePtr); } //qtss_printf("Authenticator::GetParamValue len = %"_U32BITARG_" =%s\n",outParamValuePtr->Len, STRTOCHAR(outParamValuePtr)); return true; } Bool16 Authenticator::GetParamValueAsNewCopy(StringParser *valueSourcePtr, StrPtrLen *outParamValueCopyPtr) { StrPtrLen theParamValue; if (!this->GetParamValue(valueSourcePtr, &theParamValue)) return false; return this->CopyParam(&theParamValue, outParamValueCopyPtr); } Bool16 Authenticator::GetMatchListParamValueAsNewCopy(StringParser *valueSourcePtr, StrPtrLen *inMatchListParamValuePtr, SInt16 numToMatch, StrPtrLen *outParamValueCopyPtr) { StrPtrLen theParamValue; if (!this->GetParamValue(valueSourcePtr, &theParamValue)) return false; if(inMatchListParamValuePtr && numToMatch > 0) { StringParser paramList(&theParamValue); StrPtrLen theListParamValue; while (this->GetParamValue(¶mList, &theListParamValue)) { for (SInt16 count = 0;count < numToMatch; count ) { if ( theListParamValue.Equal(inMatchListParamValuePtr->Ptr) || sWildCardMatch.Equal (inMatchListParamValuePtr->Ptr) ) { return this->CopyParam(&theListParamValue, outParamValueCopyPtr); } inMatchListParamValuePtr ; } } return false; } return this->CopyParam(&theParamValue, outParamValueCopyPtr); } void Authenticator::ResetRequestLen(StrPtrLen *theRequestPtr, StrPtrLen *theParamsPtr) { // makes a new buffer and copies everything after first \r\n into the buffer and terminates the req. // after the \r\n static const char *requestParamStart = "\r\n"; Assert (theRequestPtr); Assert (theRequestPtr->Ptr); Assert (theRequestPtr->Len > ::strlen(requestParamStart) ); Assert (theParamsPtr); Assert (theParamsPtr->Ptr == NULL); Assert (theParamsPtr->Len == 0); char *theLastChar = ::strstr(theRequestPtr->Ptr, requestParamStart); if (theLastChar) { StrPtrLen tempParams; tempParams.Ptr = &theLastChar[2]; tempParams.Len = ::strlen(&theLastChar[2]); CopyParam(&tempParams, theParamsPtr); theLastChar[2] = 0; // terminate after \r\n } } //char * Authenticator::GetRequestHeader( StrPtrLen *inSourceStr, StrPtrLen *searchHeaderStr,StrPtrLen *outHeaderStr) char * Authenticator::GetRequestHeader( StrPtrLen *inSourceStr, StrPtrLen *searchHeaderStr) { StrPtrLen headers; StrPtrLen headersTerminator("\r\n\r\n"); char *endSourceCharPtr = inSourceStr->FindString(&headersTerminator); if (endSourceCharPtr == NULL) return NULL; //qtss_printf("Authenticator::GetRequestHeader source=%s\n find=|%s|\n", inSourceStr->Ptr, headersTerminator.Ptr); headers.Set(inSourceStr->Ptr,endSourceCharPtr - inSourceStr->Ptr); return headers.FindStringIgnoreCase(searchHeaderStr); } void Authenticator::RemoveAuthLine(StrPtrLen *theRequestPtr) { Assert( theRequestPtr); Assert( theRequestPtr->Ptr); Assert( theRequestPtr->Len == ::strlen(theRequestPtr->Ptr) ); if (theRequestPtr->Ptr != NULL) { char *theHeaderStart = GetRequestHeader(theRequestPtr, &Authenticator::sAuthorizationStr); char *eol = StrPtrLen(theHeaderStart).FindString("\r\n"); // finally remove the Authorization: line if (theHeaderStart && eol) { strcpy(theHeaderStart,eol 2); } } } //=========================================== // request tags StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sResponseStr("response"); //the response StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sUriStr("uri"); // copy of of the URL must StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sCnonceStr("cnonce"); // in request only if qop is in response // response tags StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sStaleStr("stale"); // request and response tags StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sQopStr("qop"); // quoted string list of one or more options -- in request if in response StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sNonceStr("nonce"); // quoted string return back to the server in the request StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sNonceCountStr("nc"); // in request only if qop is in response StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sOpaqueStr("opaque");// quoted string return back to the server in the request StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sDomainStr("domain"); // quoted string list of one or more URLs on in response StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sAlgorithmStr("algorithm"); // quoted string list of one or more URLs on in response // response values StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sQopAuthStr("auth"); StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sQopAuthIntStr("auth-int"); StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sMD5Str("MD5"); StrPtrLen DigestAuth::sMD5SessStr("MD5-sess"); DigestAuth::DigestAuth() { ReqFieldsClean(); fAlgorithm = 0; fStale = false; fNonceCount = 0; } Bool16 DigestAuth::ParseParams(StrPtrLen *authParamsPtr) { Bool16 result = false; StrPtrLen authTag(""); if (authParamsPtr != NULL && authParamsPtr->Ptr != NULL) do { fNonceCount = 0; //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::ParseParams authParams=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(authParamsPtr)); StringParser paramParser(authParamsPtr); if (!this->ParseRealm(¶mParser)) break; while (paramParser.GetDataRemaining() > 0) { this->ParseTag(¶mParser,&authTag); //qtss_printf("parsed tag = %s\n",STRTOCHAR(&authTag)); if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sNonceStr.Ptr, this->sNonceStr.Len)) { // NONCE in Response result = this->GetParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, &this->fnonce); if (!result) { break; } else continue; } if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sStaleStr.Ptr, this->sStaleStr.Len)) { // STALE in Response result = this->GetParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, &this->fStaleStr); if (!result) { break; } else { if (this->fStaleStr.EqualIgnoreCase(Authenticator::sTrue.Ptr, Authenticator::sTrue.Len)) { fStale = true; } else { fStale = false; } continue; } } if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sOpaqueStr.Ptr, this->sOpaqueStr.Len)) { // OPAQUE in Response result = this->GetParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, &this->fopaque); if (!result) { break; } else continue; } if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sQopStr.Ptr, this->sQopStr.Len)) { // QOP in Response StrPtrLen matchList[2]; matchList[0].Set(sQopAuthStr.Ptr,sQopAuthStr.Len); matchList[1].Set(sQopAuthIntStr.Ptr,sQopAuthIntStr.Len); result = Authenticator::GetMatchListParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, matchList, 2, &this->fqop); if (!result) { break; } else continue; } if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sAlgorithmStr.Ptr, this->sAlgorithmStr.Len)) { // ALGORITHM in Response // This is for completeness we only do MD5 result = this->GetParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, &this->fAlgorithmStr); if (!result) { break; } else continue; } if (authTag.EqualIgnoreCase(this->sDomainStr.Ptr, this->sDomainStr.Len)) { // DOMAIN in Response // just get the first URL in the domain list result = Authenticator::GetMatchListParamValueAsNewCopy(¶mParser, &Authenticator::sWildCardMatch, 1, &this->fqop); if (!result) { break; } else continue; } } } while (false); return result; } void DigestAuth::AddAuthParam(StrPtrLen *theTagPtr, StrPtrLen *theValuePtr, Bool16 quoted) { Assert(fReqFields.fNumFields < kMaxReqParams); Assert(theTagPtr); // must be valid if (fReqFields.fNumFields < kMaxReqParams && theValuePtr && theValuePtr->Ptr && theValuePtr->Len) { fReqFields.fNumFields ; fReqFields.fReqParamTags[fReqFields.fNumFields -1] = theTagPtr; fReqFields.fReqParamValues[fReqFields.fNumFields -1] = theValuePtr; fReqFields.fQuoted[fReqFields.fNumFields -1] = quoted; //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::AddAuthParam [%"_U32BITARG_"] tag=%s ",fReqFields.fNumFields -1, STRTOCHAR(theTagPtr)); //qtss_printf("value=%s \n",STRTOCHAR(theValuePtr)); } else { //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::AddAuthParam ignored [%"_U32BITARG_"] tag=%s value=%s \n",fReqFields.fNumFields -1, STRTOCHAR(theTagPtr),STRTOCHAR(theValuePtr)); } } void DigestAuth::SetNonceCountStr() { char tempBuff[32]; qtss_sprintf(tempBuff,"%08x",fNonceCount); // return hex string value StrPtrLen tempCountStr(tempBuff); CopyParam(&tempCountStr, &fNonceCountStr); } void DigestAuth::GenerateAuthorizationRequestLine(StrPtrLen *requestPtr) { static const UInt32 ktempbuffSize = 1024; char tempBuffer[ktempbuffSize]; UInt32 buffsize = this->ParamsLen(requestPtr); delete [] fAuthBuffer.Ptr; fAuthBuffer.Ptr = NEW char[buffsize]; memset(fAuthBuffer.Ptr,0,buffsize); fAuthBuffer.Len = buffsize; qtss_sprintf(fAuthBuffer.Ptr, "%s %s ",sAuthorizationStr.Ptr, sAuthDigestStr.Ptr); //qtss_printf ("DigestAuth::GenerateAuthorizationRequestLine buffsize = %"_U32BITARG_" fAuthBuffer= %s\n",buffsize, fAuthBuffer.Ptr); StrPtrLen *theTagPtr; StrPtrLen *theValuePtr; UInt32 paramLen; Bool16 quoted; for (SInt32 paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < fReqFields.fNumFields; paramIndex ) { paramLen = 0; theTagPtr = fReqFields.fReqParamTags[paramIndex]; theValuePtr = fReqFields.fReqParamValues[paramIndex]; Assert(theTagPtr); // shouldn't ever happen paramLen = theTagPtr->Len; quoted = fReqFields.fQuoted[paramIndex]; if (theValuePtr) // this can be NULL paramLen = theValuePtr->Len 5; Assert(paramLen < ktempbuffSize); if (quoted) { if(theValuePtr && theValuePtr->Len > 0) qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "%s=\"%s\"",theTagPtr->Ptr, theValuePtr->Ptr); else // empty send: param="" qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "%s=\"\"",theTagPtr->Ptr); } else { if(theValuePtr && theValuePtr->Len > 0) qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "%s=%s",theTagPtr->Ptr, theValuePtr->Ptr); else // empty send: param="" qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "%s=\"\"",theTagPtr->Ptr); } //qtss_printf("add %s to auth line\n",tempBuffer); strcat(fAuthBuffer.Ptr,tempBuffer); if (paramIndex < fReqFields.fNumFields -1) strcat(fAuthBuffer.Ptr,","); //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::GenerateAuthorizationRequestLine bufferLen=%"_S32BITARG_" fAuthBuffer= %s\n",::strlen(fAuthBuffer.Ptr),fAuthBuffer.Ptr); } ::strcat(fAuthBuffer.Ptr, "\r\n"); //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::GenerateAuthorizationRequestLine bufferLen=%"_S32BITARG_" fAuthBuffer= %s\n",::strlen(fAuthBuffer.Ptr),fAuthBuffer.Ptr); } void DigestAuth::ResetAuthParams() { ReqFieldsClean(); delete [] fAuthBuffer.Ptr; fAuthBuffer.Set(NULL,0); } void DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest() { delete [] fRequestDigestStr.Ptr; fRequestDigestStr.Ptr = NULL; StrPtrLen emptyStr; StrPtrLen hA1; /* qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fNameSPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fNameSPL)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fRealmSPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fRealmSPL)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fPasswordSPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fPasswordSPL)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fnonce=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fnonce)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fcnonce=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fcnonce)); */ ::CalcHA1( &sMD5Str, &fNameSPL, &fRealmSPL, &fPasswordSPL, &fnonce, &fcnonce, &hA1); /* qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest CalcHA1=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&hA1)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fnonce=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fnonce)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fNonceCountStr=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fNonceCountStr)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fcnonce=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fcnonce)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fqop=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fqop)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fMethodSPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fMethodSPL)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fURISPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fURISPL)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest emptyStr=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&emptyStr)); qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fMethodSPL=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&emptyStr)); */ ::CalcRequestDigest(&hA1, &fnonce, &fNonceCountStr, &fcnonce, &fqop, &fMethodSPL, &fURISPL, &emptyStr, &fRequestDigestStr); delete [] hA1.Ptr; //qtss_printf("DigestAuth::MakeRequestDigest fRequestDigestStr=%s\n",STRTOCHAR(&fRequestDigestStr)); } void DigestAuth::MakeCNonce() { fAuthTime = OS::UnixTime_Secs(); char timeStr[64]; qtss_sprintf(timeStr,"%"_U32BITARG_"",(UInt32) fAuthTime); StrPtrLen timeSPL(timeStr); delete [] fcnonce.Ptr; fcnonce.Ptr = NULL; StrPtrLen emptyStr; StrPtrLen hA1; ::CalcHA1( &sMD5Str, &timeSPL, &fRealmSPL, &fPasswordSPL, &fnonce, &timeSPL, &hA1); ::CalcRequestDigest(&hA1, &fnonce, &timeSPL, &timeSPL, &fqop, &timeSPL, &fURISPL, &emptyStr, &fcnonce); delete [] hA1.Ptr; } void DigestAuth::AttachAuthParams(StrPtrLen *theRequestPtr) { StrPtrLen requestParams; //qtss_printf(" DigestAuth::AttachAuthParams request IN =%s\n", STRTOCHAR(theRequestPtr)); char* hasAuthorization = ::strstr(theRequestPtr->Ptr, sAuthorizationStr.Ptr); if (NULL != hasAuthorization) return; this->ResetRequestLen(theRequestPtr,&requestParams); this->ResetAuthParams(); fNonceCount ; AddAuthParam( &sUsernameStr, &fNameSPL, true); AddAuthParam( &sRealmStr, &fRealmSPL, true); AddAuthParam( &sNonceStr, &fnonce, true); AddAuthParam( &sOpaqueStr, &fopaque, true); AddAuthParam( &sUriStr, &fURISPL, true); if (fqop.Ptr != NULL) // { AddAuthParam( &sQopStr, &sQopAuthStr, false);// only auth SetNonceCountStr(); AddAuthParam( &sNonceCountStr, &fNonceCountStr, false);// only auth MakeCNonce(); AddAuthParam(&sCnonceStr, &fcnonce, true); } MakeRequestDigest(); AddAuthParam (&sResponseStr, &fRequestDigestStr, true); GenerateAuthorizationRequestLine(theRequestPtr); ::strcat(theRequestPtr->Ptr, fAuthBuffer.Ptr); ::strcat(theRequestPtr->Ptr, requestParams.Ptr); // put the request params back theRequestPtr->Len = ::strlen(theRequestPtr->Ptr); delete [] requestParams.Ptr; requestParams.Set(NULL,0); //qtss_printf(" DigestAuth::AttachAuthParams request OUT =%s\n", STRTOCHAR(theRequestPtr)); } UInt32 DigestAuth::ParamsLen(StrPtrLen *requestPtr) { UInt32 fieldLens = requestPtr->Len; StrPtrLen *theParamPtr = NULL; StrPtrLen *theTagPtr = NULL; SInt32 numParams = 0; while (numParams != fReqFields.fNumFields ) { theParamPtr = fReqFields.fReqParamValues[numParams]; theTagPtr = fReqFields.fReqParamTags[numParams]; if (theParamPtr != NULL) { fieldLens = theParamPtr->Len; } if (theTagPtr != NULL) { fieldLens = theTagPtr->Len; } fieldLens = 5;// room for spaces or " = and , numParams ; } return fieldLens; } DigestAuth::~DigestAuth() { ResetAuthParams(); delete [] fNonceCountStr.Ptr; fNonceCountStr.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fRequestDigestStr.Ptr;fRequestDigestStr.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fURIStr.Ptr; fURIStr.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fcnonce.Ptr; fcnonce.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fnonce.Ptr; fnonce.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fopaque.Ptr; fopaque.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fqop.Ptr; fqop.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fAlgorithmStr.Ptr; fAlgorithmStr.Set(NULL,0); delete [] fStaleStr.Ptr; fStaleStr.Set(NULL,0); Clean(); } //=========================================== Bool16 BasicAuth::ParseParams(StrPtrLen *authParamsPtr) { StringParser realmParser(authParamsPtr); return this->ParseRealm(&realmParser); } UInt32 BasicAuth::ParamsLen(StrPtrLen *requestPtr) { return requestPtr->Len fNameSPL.Len fPasswordSPL.Len 1; } void BasicAuth::AttachAuthParams(StrPtrLen *theRequestPtr) { char* hasAuthorization = ::strstr(theRequestPtr->Ptr, sAuthorizationStr.Ptr); if (NULL != hasAuthorization) return; UInt32 buffLen = ParamsLen(theRequestPtr); if (fAuthBuffer.Ptr == NULL) { fAuthBuffer.Ptr = NEW char[buffLen]; memset(fAuthBuffer.Ptr,0,buffLen); fAuthBuffer.Len = buffLen; } StrPtrLen requestParams; this->ResetRequestLen(theRequestPtr,&requestParams); //qtss_printf("BasicAuth::parsed requestParams.Ptr = %s \n",requestParams.Ptr); char unEncodedBuffer[80]; qtss_sprintf(unEncodedBuffer, "%s:%s",fNameSPL.Ptr, fPasswordSPL.Ptr); //qtss_printf("unEncodedBuffer=%s\n",unEncodedBuffer); ::Base64encode(fEncodedBuffer, unEncodedBuffer,::strlen(unEncodedBuffer)); qtss_sprintf(fAuthBuffer.Ptr, "%s %s %s\r\n",sAuthorizationStr.Ptr, sAuthBasicStr.Ptr, fEncodedBuffer); ::strcat(theRequestPtr->Ptr, fAuthBuffer.Ptr); ::strcat(theRequestPtr->Ptr, requestParams.Ptr); // put the request back delete [] requestParams.Ptr; theRequestPtr->Len = ::strlen(theRequestPtr->Ptr); //qtss_printf("BasicAuth::theRequestPtr->Ptr = %s \n",theRequestPtr->Ptr); } //=========================================== Authenticator *AuthParser::ParseChallenge(StrPtrLen *challengePtr) { Bool16 result = false; Authenticator *authenticator = NULL; StrPtrLen theChallenge; StrPtrLen headerTerminator("\r"); if (NULL == challengePtr) return NULL; StringParser authParser(challengePtr); StrPtrLen authWord; StrPtrLen authParams; // consume WWW-Authenticate authParser.ConsumeUntilWhitespace(&authWord); authParser.ConsumeWhitespace(); // Get the authentication type authParser.ConsumeUntilWhitespace(&authWord); authParser.ConsumeWhitespace(); // Get the params authParser.GetThruEOL(&authParams); if (authWord.EqualIgnoreCase(Authenticator::sAuthBasicStr.Ptr, Authenticator::sAuthBasicStr.Len)) { authenticator = NEW BasicAuth(); Assert(authenticator); if (authenticator) result = authenticator->ParseParams(&authParams); } else if (authWord.EqualIgnoreCase(Authenticator::sAuthDigestStr.Ptr, Authenticator::sAuthDigestStr.Len)) { authenticator = NEW DigestAuth(); Assert(authenticator); if (authenticator) result = authenticator->ParseParams(&authParams); } return authenticator; } //=========================================== static char* sEmptyString = ""; char* RTSPClient::sUserAgent = "None"; char* RTSPClient::sControlID = "trackID"; RTSPClient::InterleavedParams RTSPClient::sInterleavedParams; RTSPClient::RTSPClient(ClientSocket* inSocket, Bool16 verbosePrinting, char* inUserAgent) : fAuthenticator(NULL), fSocket(inSocket), fVerboseLevel(verbosePrinting ? 1 : 0), fCSeq(1), fStatus(0), fSessionID(sEmptyString), fServerPort(0), fContentLength(0), fSetupHeaders(NULL), fNumChannelElements(kMinNumChannelElements), fNumFieldIDElements(0), fFieldIDMapSize(kMinNumChannelElements), fPacketBuffer(NULL), fPacketBufferOffset(0), fPacketOutstanding(false), fRecvContentBuffer(NULL), fContentRecvLen(0), fHeaderRecvLen(0), fHeaderLen(0), fSetupTrackID(0), fState(kInitial), fAuthAttempted(false), fTransportMode(kPlayMode), fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen(0), fPacketDataInHeaderBuffer(NULL), fUserAgent(NULL), fControlID(RTSPClient::sControlID), fGuarenteedBitRate(0), fMaxBitRate(0), fMaxTransferDelay(0), fBandwidth(0), fBufferSpace(0), fDelayTime(0) { fChannelTrackMap = NEW ChannelMapElem[kMinNumChannelElements]; ::memset(fChannelTrackMap, 0, sizeof(ChannelMapElem) * kMinNumChannelElements); fFieldIDMap = NEW FieldIDArrayElem[kMinNumChannelElements]; ::memset(fFieldIDMap, 0, sizeof(FieldIDArrayElem) * kMinNumChannelElements); ::memset(fSendBuffer, 0,kReqBufSize 1); ::memset(fRecvHeaderBuffer, 0,kReqBufSize 1); fSetupHeaders = NEW char[2]; fSetupHeaders[0] = '\0'; ::memset(&sInterleavedParams, 0, sizeof(sInterleavedParams)); if (inUserAgent != NULL) { fUserAgent = NEW char[::strlen(inUserAgent) 1]; ::strcpy(fUserAgent, inUserAgent); } else { fUserAgent = NEW char[::strlen(sUserAgent) 1]; ::strcpy(fUserAgent, sUserAgent); } } RTSPClient::~RTSPClient() { delete [] fRecvContentBuffer; delete [] fURL.Ptr; delete [] fName.Ptr; delete [] fPassword.Ptr; if (fSessionID.Ptr != sEmptyString) delete [] fSessionID.Ptr; delete [] fSetupHeaders; delete [] fChannelTrackMap; delete [] fFieldIDMap; delete [] fPacketBuffer; delete fAuthenticator; delete [] fUserAgent; if (fControlID != RTSPClient::sControlID) delete [] fControlID; } void RTSPClient::SetControlID(char* controlID) { if (NULL == controlID) return; if (fControlID != RTSPClient::sControlID) delete [] fControlID; fControlID = NEW char[::strlen(controlID) 1]; ::strcpy(fControlID, controlID); } void RTSPClient::SetName(char *name) { Assert (name); delete [] fName.Ptr; fName.Ptr = NEW char[::strlen(name) 2]; ::strcpy(fName.Ptr, name); fName.Len = ::strlen(name); } void RTSPClient::SetPassword(char *password) { Assert (password); delete [] fPassword.Ptr; fPassword.Ptr = NEW char[::strlen(password) 2]; ::strcpy(fPassword.Ptr, password); fPassword.Len = ::strlen(password); } void RTSPClient::Set(const StrPtrLen& inURL) { delete [] fURL.Ptr; fURL.Ptr = NEW char[inURL.Len 2]; fURL.Len = inURL.Len; char* destPtr = fURL.Ptr; // add a leading '/' to the url if it isn't a full URL and doesn't have a leading '/' if ( !inURL.NumEqualIgnoreCase("rtsp://", strlen("rtsp://")) && inURL.Ptr[0] != '/') { *destPtr = '/'; destPtr ; fURL.Len ; } ::memcpy(destPtr, inURL.Ptr, inURL.Len); fURL.Ptr[fURL.Len] = '\0'; } void RTSPClient::SetSetupParams(Float32 inLateTolerance, char* inMetaInfoFields) { delete [] fSetupHeaders; fSetupHeaders = NEW char[256]; fSetupHeaders[0] = '\0'; if (inLateTolerance != 0) qtss_sprintf(fSetupHeaders, "x-Transport-Options: late-tolerance=%f\r\n", inLateTolerance); if ((inMetaInfoFields != NULL) && (::strlen(inMetaInfoFields) > 0)) qtss_sprintf(fSetupHeaders ::strlen(fSetupHeaders), "x-RTP-Meta-Info: %s\r\n", inMetaInfoFields); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendDescribe(Bool16 inAppendJunkData) { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","DESCRIBE"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); fmt.PutFmtStr( "DESCRIBE %s RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "Accept: application/sdp\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); if (inAppendJunkData) { fmt.PutFmtStr("Content-Length: 200\r\n\r\n"); for(UInt32 i = 0; i < 200; i) fmt.PutChar('d'); /* qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "DESCRIBE %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\nAccept: application/sdp\r\nContent-Length: 200\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent); UInt32 theBufLen = ::strlen(fSendBuffer); Assert((theBufLen 200) < kReqBufSize); for (UInt32 x = theBufLen; x < (theBufLen 200); x ) fSendBuffer[x] = 'd'; fSendBuffer[theBufLen 200] = '\0'; */ } else { fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); //qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "DESCRIBE %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\nAccept: application/sdp\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent); } fmt.PutTerminator(); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendSetParameter() { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","SET_PARAMETER"); qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "SET_PARAMETER %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq:%"_U32BITARG_"\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendOptions() { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","OPTIONS"); qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "OPTIONS * RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq:%"_U32BITARG_"\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fCSeq, fUserAgent); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendOptionsWithRandomDataRequest(SInt32 dataSize) { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","OPTIONS"); qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "OPTIONS * RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq:%"_U32BITARG_"\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\nRequire: x-Random-Data-Size\r\nx-Random-Data-Size: %"_S32BITARG_"\r\n\r\n", fCSeq, fUserAgent, dataSize); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendReliableUDPSetup(UInt32 inTrackID, UInt16 inClientPort) { fSetupTrackID = inTrackID; // Needed when SETUP response is received. fSendBuffer[0] = 0; if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","SETUP"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); if (fTransportMode == kPushMode) fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%u-%u;mode=record\r\n" "x-Retransmit: our-retransmit\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inClientPort, inClientPort 1, fUserAgent); else fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%u-%u\r\n" "x-Retransmit: our-retransmit\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inClientPort, inClientPort 1, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); Attach3GPPHeaders(fmt, inTrackID); fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); fmt.PutTerminator(); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendUDPSetup(UInt32 inTrackID, UInt16 inClientPort) { fSetupTrackID = inTrackID; // Needed when SETUP response is received. if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","SETUP"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); if (fTransportMode == kPushMode) fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%u-%u;mode=record\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inClientPort, inClientPort 1, fUserAgent); else fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%u-%u\r\n" "%sUser-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inClientPort, inClientPort 1, fSetupHeaders, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); Attach3GPPHeaders(fmt, inTrackID); fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); fmt.PutTerminator(); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendTCPSetup(UInt32 inTrackID, UInt16 inClientRTPid, UInt16 inClientRTCPid) { fSetupTrackID = inTrackID; // Needed when SETUP response is received. if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","SETUP"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); if (fTransportMode == kPushMode) fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=record;interleaved=%u-%u\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr,inClientRTPid, inClientRTCPid, fUserAgent); else fmt.PutFmtStr( "SETUP %s/%s=%"_U32BITARG_" RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sTransport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=%u-%u\r\n" "%sUser-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr,fControlID, inTrackID, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inClientRTPid, inClientRTCPid,fSetupHeaders, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); Attach3GPPHeaders(fmt, inTrackID); fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); fmt.PutTerminator(); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendPlay(UInt32 inStartPlayTimeInSec, Float32 inSpeed, UInt32 inTrackID) { char speedBuf[128]; speedBuf[0] = '\0'; if (inSpeed != 1) qtss_sprintf(speedBuf, "Speed: %f5.2\r\n", inSpeed); if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","PLAY"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); fmt.PutFmtStr( "PLAY %s RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sRange: npt=%"_U32BITARG_".0-\r\n" "%sx-prebuffer: maxtime=3.0\r\n" "User-agent: %s\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inStartPlayTimeInSec, speedBuf, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); Attach3GPPHeaders(fmt, inTrackID); fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); fmt.PutTerminator(); //qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "PLAY %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n%sRange: npt=7.0-\r\n%sx-prebuffer: maxtime=3.0\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, speedBuf, fUserAgent); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendPacketRangePlay(char* inPacketRangeHeader, Float32 inSpeed) { char speedBuf[128]; speedBuf[0] = '\0'; if (inSpeed != 1) qtss_sprintf(speedBuf, "Speed: %f5.2\r\n", inSpeed); if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","PLAY"); StringFormatter fmt(fSendBuffer, kReqBufSize); fmt.PutFmtStr( "PLAY %s RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n" "%sx-Packet-Range: %s\r\n" "%sUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inPacketRangeHeader, speedBuf, fUserAgent); if (fBandwidth != 0) fmt.PutFmtStr("Bandwidth: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n", fBandwidth); Attach3GPPHeaders(fmt); fmt.PutFmtStr("\r\n"); fmt.PutTerminator(); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendReceive(UInt32 inStartPlayTimeInSec) { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","RECORD"); qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "RECORD %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n%sRange: npt=%"_U32BITARG_".0-\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, inStartPlayTimeInSec, fUserAgent); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendAnnounce(char *sdp) { //ANNOUNCE rtsp://server.example.com/permanent_broadcasts/TestBroadcast.sdp RTSP/1.0 if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","ANNOUNCE"); if (sdp == NULL) qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "ANNOUNCE %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\nAccept: application/sdp\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent); else { UInt32 len = strlen(sdp); if(len > kReqBufSize) return OS_NotEnoughSpace; qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "ANNOUNCE %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\nContent-Type: application/sdp\r\nUser-agent: %s\r\nContent-Length: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n\r\n%s", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fUserAgent, len, sdp); } } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendRTSPRequest(iovec* inRequest, UInt32 inNumVecs) { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { UInt32 curOffset = 0; for (UInt32 x = 0; x < inNumVecs; x ) { ::memcpy(fSendBuffer curOffset, inRequest[x].iov_base, inRequest[x].iov_len); curOffset = inRequest[x].iov_len; } Assert(kReqBufSize > curOffset); fSendBuffer[curOffset] = '\0'; } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::PutMediaPacket(UInt32 inTrackID, Bool16 isRTCP, char* inData, UInt16 inLen) { // Find the right channel number for this trackID for (int x = 0; x < fNumChannelElements; x ) { if ((fChannelTrackMap[x].fTrackID == inTrackID) && (fChannelTrackMap[x].fIsRTCP == isRTCP)) { char header[5]; header[0] = '$'; header[1] = (UInt8)x; UInt16* theLenP = (UInt16*)header; theLenP[1] = htons(inLen); // // Build the iovec iovec ioVec[2]; ioVec[0].iov_len = 4; ioVec[0].iov_base = header; ioVec[1].iov_len = inLen; ioVec[1].iov_base = inData; // // Send it return fSocket->SendV(ioVec, 2); } } return OS_NoErr; } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite(UInt8 channel, UInt16 len, char*data,Bool16 *getNext) { Assert(len < RTSPClient::kReqBufSize); iovec ioVEC[1]; struct iovec* iov = &ioVEC[0]; UInt16 interleavedLen =0; UInt16 sendLen = 0; if (sInterleavedParams.extraLen > 0) { *getNext = false; // can't handle new packet now. Send it again ioVEC[0].iov_base = sInterleavedParams.extraBytes; ioVEC[0].iov_len = sInterleavedParams.extraLen; sendLen = sInterleavedParams.extraLen; } else { *getNext = true; // handle a new packet fSendBuffer[0] = '$'; fSendBuffer[1] = channel; UInt16 netlen = htons(len); memcpy(&fSendBuffer[2],&netlen,2); memcpy(&fSendBuffer[4],data,len); interleavedLen = len 4; ioVEC[0].iov_base=&fSendBuffer[0]; ioVEC[0].iov_len= interleavedLen; sendLen = interleavedLen; sInterleavedParams.extraChannel =channel; } UInt32 outLenSent; OS_Error theErr = fSocket->GetSocket()->WriteV(iov, 1,&outLenSent); if (theErr != 0) outLenSent = 0; if(fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite Send channel=%u bufferlen=%u err=%"_S32BITARG_" outLenSent=%"_U32BITARG_"\n",(UInt16) sInterleavedParams.extraChannel, sendLen,theErr,outLenSent); if (theErr == 0 && outLenSent != sendLen) { if (sInterleavedParams.extraLen > 0) // sending extra len so keep sending it. { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite partial Send channel=%u bufferlen=%u err=%"_S32BITARG_" amountSent=%"_U32BITARG_" \n",(UInt16) sInterleavedParams.extraChannel,sendLen,theErr,outLenSent); sInterleavedParams.extraLen = sendLen - outLenSent; sInterleavedParams.extraByteOffset = outLenSent; sInterleavedParams.extraBytes = &fSendBuffer[sInterleavedParams.extraByteOffset]; } else // we were sending a new packet so record the data { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite partial Send channel=%u bufferlen=%u err=%"_S32BITARG_" amountSent=%"_U32BITARG_" \n",(UInt16) channel,sendLen,theErr,outLenSent); sInterleavedParams.extraBytes = &fSendBuffer[outLenSent]; sInterleavedParams.extraLen = sendLen - outLenSent; sInterleavedParams.extraChannel = channel; sInterleavedParams.extraByteOffset = outLenSent; } } else // either an error occured or we sent everything ok { if (theErr == 0) { if (sInterleavedParams.extraLen > 0) // we were busy sending some old data and it all got sent { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite FULL Send channel=%u bufferlen=%u err=%"_S32BITARG_" amountSent=%"_U32BITARG_" \n",(UInt16) sInterleavedParams.extraChannel,sendLen,theErr,outLenSent); } else { // it all worked so ask for more data if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite FULL Send channel=%u bufferlen=%u err=%"_S32BITARG_" amountSent=%"_U32BITARG_" \n",(UInt16) channel,sendLen,theErr,outLenSent); } sInterleavedParams.extraLen = 0; sInterleavedParams.extraBytes = NULL; sInterleavedParams.extraByteOffset = 0; } else // we got an error so nothing was sent { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::SendInterleavedWrite Send ERR sending=%"_S32BITARG_" \n",theErr); if (sInterleavedParams.extraLen == 0) // retry the new packet { sInterleavedParams.extraBytes = &fSendBuffer[0]; sInterleavedParams.extraLen = sendLen; sInterleavedParams.extraChannel = channel; sInterleavedParams.extraByteOffset = 0; } } } return theErr; } OS_Error RTSPClient::SendTeardown() { if (!IsTransactionInProgress()) { qtss_sprintf(fMethod,"%s","TEARDOWN"); qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer, "TEARDOWN %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %"_U32BITARG_"\r\n%sUser-agent: %s\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCSeq, fSessionID.Ptr, fUserAgent); } return this->DoTransaction(); } OS_Error RTSPClient::GetMediaPacket(UInt32* outTrackID, Bool16* outIsRTCP, char** outBuffer, UInt32* outLen) { static const UInt32 kPacketHeaderLen = 4; static const UInt32 kMaxPacketSize = 4096; // We need to buffer until we get a full packet. if (fPacketBuffer == NULL) fPacketBuffer = NEW char[kMaxPacketSize]; if (fPacketOutstanding) { // The previous call to this function returned a packet successfully. We've been holding // onto that packet data until now... Now we can blow it away. UInt16* thePacketLenP = (UInt16*)fPacketBuffer; UInt16 thePacketLen = ntohs(thePacketLenP[1]); Assert(fPacketBuffer[0] == '$'); // Move the leftover data (part of the next packet) to the beginning of the buffer Assert(fPacketBufferOffset >= (thePacketLen kPacketHeaderLen)); fPacketBufferOffset -= thePacketLen kPacketHeaderLen; ::memmove(fPacketBuffer, &fPacketBuffer[thePacketLen kPacketHeaderLen], fPacketBufferOffset); #if DEBUG if (fPacketBufferOffset > 0) { Assert(fPacketBuffer[0] == '$'); } #endif fPacketOutstanding = false; } if (fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen > 0) { // // If there is some packet data in the header buffer, clear it out if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("%"_U32BITARG_" bytes of packet data in header buffer\n",fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen); Assert(fPacketDataInHeaderBuffer[0] == '$'); Assert(fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen < (kMaxPacketSize - fPacketBufferOffset)); ::memcpy(&fPacketBuffer[fPacketBufferOffset], fPacketDataInHeaderBuffer, fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen); fPacketBufferOffset = fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen; fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen = 0; } Assert(fPacketBufferOffset < kMaxPacketSize); UInt32 theRecvLen = 0; OS_Error theErr = fSocket->Read(&fPacketBuffer[fPacketBufferOffset], kMaxPacketSize - fPacketBufferOffset, &theRecvLen); if (theErr != OS_NoErr) return theErr; fPacketBufferOffset = theRecvLen; Assert(fPacketBufferOffset <= kMaxPacketSize); if (fPacketBufferOffset > kPacketHeaderLen) { Assert(fPacketBuffer[0] == '$'); UInt16* thePacketLenP = (UInt16*)fPacketBuffer; UInt16 thePacketLen = ntohs(thePacketLenP[1]); UInt8 channelIndex = fPacketBuffer[1]; if (fPacketBufferOffset >= (thePacketLen kPacketHeaderLen)) { // We have a complete packet. Return it to the caller. Assert(channelIndex < fNumChannelElements); // This is really not a safe assert, but anyway...] if (channelIndex >= fNumChannelElements) return -1; *outTrackID = fChannelTrackMap[channelIndex].fTrackID; *outIsRTCP = fChannelTrackMap[channelIndex].fIsRTCP; *outLen = thePacketLen; // Next time we call this function, we will blow away the packet, but until then // we leave it untouched. fPacketOutstanding = true; *outBuffer = &fPacketBuffer[kPacketHeaderLen]; return OS_NoErr; } } return OS_NoErr; } UInt32 RTSPClient::GetSSRCByTrack(UInt32 inTrackID) { for (UInt32 x = 0; x < fSSRCMap.size(); x ) { if (inTrackID == fSSRCMap[x].fTrackID) return fSSRCMap[x].fSSRC; } return 0; } RTPMetaInfoPacket::FieldID* RTSPClient::GetFieldIDArrayByTrack(UInt32 inTrackID) { for (UInt32 x = 0; x < fNumFieldIDElements; x ) { if (inTrackID == fFieldIDMap[x].fTrackID) return fFieldIDMap[x].fFieldIDs; } return NULL; } OS_Error RTSPClient::DoTransaction() { OS_Error theErr = OS_NoErr; StrPtrLen theRequest(fSendBuffer, ::strlen(fSendBuffer)); StrPtrLen theMethod(fMethod); for(;;) { switch(fState) { //Initial state: getting ready to send the request; the authenticator is initialized if it exists. //This is the only state where a new request can be made. case kInitial: if (fAuthenticator != NULL) { fAuthAttempted = true; fAuthenticator->RemoveAuthLine(&theRequest); // reset to original request fAuthenticator->ResetAuthParams(); // if we had a 401 on an authenticated request clean up old params and try again with the new response data fAuthenticator->SetName(&fName); fAuthenticator->SetPassword(&fPassword); fAuthenticator->SetMethod(&theMethod); fAuthenticator->SetURI(&fURL); fAuthenticator->AttachAuthParams(&theRequest); } fCSeq ; //this assumes that the sequence number will not be read again until the next transaction fPacketDataInHeaderBufferLen = 0; fState = kRequestSending; break; //Request Sending state: keep on calling Send while Send returns EAGAIN or EINPROGRESS case kRequestSending: theErr = fSocket->Send(theRequest.Ptr, theRequest.Len); if (theErr != OS_NoErr) { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::DoTransaction Send len=%"_U32BITARG_" err = %"_S32BITARG_"\n", theRequest.Len, theErr); return theErr; } if (fVerboseLevel >= 1) qtss_printf("\n-----REQUEST-----len=%"_U32BITARG_"\n%s\n", theRequest.Len, STRTOCHAR(&theRequest)); //Done sending request; moving onto the response fContentRecvLen = 0; fHeaderRecvLen = 0; fHeaderLen = 0; ::memset(fRecvHeaderBuffer, 0, kReqBufSize 1); fState = kResponseReceiving; break; //Response Receiving state: keep on calling ReceiveResponse while it returns EAGAIN or EINPROGRESS case kResponseReceiving: //Header Received state: the response header has been received(and parsed), but the entity(response content) has not been completely received case kHeaderReceived: theErr = this->ReceiveResponse(); //note that this function can change the fState if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("RTSPClient::DoTransaction ReceiveResponse fStatus=%"_U32BITARG_" len=%"_U32BITARG_" err = %"_S32BITARG_"\n",fStatus, fHeaderRecvLen, theErr); if (theErr != OS_NoErr) return theErr; //The response has been completely received and parsed. If the response is 401 unauthorized, then redo the request with authorization fState = kInitial; if (fStatus == 401 && fAuthenticator != NULL && !fAuthAttempted) break; else return OS_NoErr; break; } } Assert(false); //not reached return 0; } //This implementation cannot parse interleaved headers with entity content. OS_Error RTSPClient::ReceiveResponse() { Assert(fState == kResponseReceiving | fState == kHeaderReceived); OS_Error theErr = OS_NoErr; while (fState == kResponseReceiving) { UInt32 theRecvLen = 0; //fRecvHeaderBuffer[0] = 0; theErr = fSocket->Read(&fRecvHeaderBuffer[fHeaderRecvLen], kReqBufSize - fHeaderRecvLen, &theRecvLen); if (theErr != OS_NoErr) return theErr; fHeaderRecvLen = theRecvLen; fRecvHeaderBuffer[fHeaderRecvLen] = 0; if (fVerboseLevel >= 1) qtss_printf("\n-----RESPONSE (len: %"_U32BITARG_")----\n%s\n", fHeaderRecvLen, fRecvHeaderBuffer); //fRecvHeaderBuffer[fHeaderRecvLen] = '\0'; // Check to see if we've gotten a complete header, and if the header has even started // The response may not start with the response if we are interleaving media data, // in which case there may be leftover media data in the stream. If we encounter any // of this cruft, we can just strip it off. char* theHeaderStart = ::strstr(fRecvHeaderBuffer, "RTSP"); if (theHeaderStart == NULL) { fHeaderRecvLen = 0; continue; } else if (theHeaderStart != fRecvHeaderBuffer) { //strip off everything before the RTSP fHeaderRecvLen -= theHeaderStart - fRecvHeaderBuffer; ::memmove(fRecvHeaderBuffer, theHeaderStart, fHeaderRecvLen); //fRecvHeaderBuffer[fHeaderRecvLen] = '\0'; } char* theResponseData = ::strstr(fRecvHeaderBuffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (theResponseData != NULL) { // skip past the \r\n\r\n theResponseData = 4; // We've got a new response fState = kHeaderReceived; // Figure out how much of the content body we've already received // in the header buffer. If we are interleaving, this may also be packet data fHeaderLen = theResponseData - &fRecvHeaderBuffer[0]; fContentRecvLen = fHeaderRecvLen - fHeaderLen; // Zero out fields that will change with every RTSP response fServerPort = 0; fStatus = 0; fContentLength = 0; // Parse the response. StrPtrLen theData(fRecvHeaderBuffer, fHeaderLen); StringParser theParser(&theData); theParser.ConsumeLength(NULL, 9); //skip past RTSP/1.0 fStatus = theParser.ConsumeInteger(NULL); StrPtrLen theLastHeader; while (theParser.GetDataRemaining() > 0) { static StrPtrLen sSessionHeader("Session"); static StrPtrLen sContentLenHeader("Content-length"); static StrPtrLen sTransportHeader("Transport"); static StrPtrLen sRTPInfoHeader("RTP-Info"); static StrPtrLen sRTPMetaInfoHeader("x-RTP-Meta-Info"); static StrPtrLen sAuthenticateHeader("WWW-Authenticate"); static StrPtrLen sSameAsLastHeader(" ,"); StrPtrLen theKey; theParser.GetThruEOL(&theKey); if (theKey.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sSessionHeader.Ptr, sSessionHeader.Len)) { if (fSessionID.Len == 0) { // Copy the session ID and store it. // First figure out how big the session ID is. We copy // everything up until the first ';' returned from the server UInt32 keyLen = 0; while ((theKey.Ptr[keyLen] != ';') && (theKey.Ptr[keyLen] != '\r') && (theKey.Ptr[keyLen] != '\n')) keyLen ; // Append an EOL so we can stick this thing transparently into the SETUP request fSessionID.Ptr = NEW char[keyLen 3]; fSessionID.Len = keyLen 2; ::memcpy(fSessionID.Ptr, theKey.Ptr, keyLen); ::memcpy(fSessionID.Ptr keyLen, "\r\n", 2);//Append a EOL fSessionID.Ptr[keyLen 2] = '\0'; } } else if (theKey.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sContentLenHeader.Ptr, sContentLenHeader.Len)) { //exclusive with interleaved StringParser theCLengthParser(&theKey); theCLengthParser.ConsumeUntil(NULL, StringParser::sDigitMask); fContentLength = theCLengthParser.ConsumeInteger(NULL); delete [] fRecvContentBuffer; fRecvContentBuffer = NEW char[fContentLength 1]; ::memset(fRecvContentBuffer, '\0', fContentLength 1); // Immediately copy the bit of the content body that we've already // read off of the socket. Assert(fContentRecvLen <= fContentLength) ::memcpy(fRecvContentBuffer, theResponseData, fContentRecvLen); } else if (theKey.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sAuthenticateHeader.Ptr, sAuthenticateHeader.Len)) { if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("\n--CHALLENGE RECEIVED\n"); #if ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION if (fAuthenticator != NULL) // already have an authenticator delete fAuthenticator; fAuthenticator = fAuthenticationParser.ParseChallenge(&theKey); Assert(fAuthenticator != NULL); if (!fAuthenticator) return 401; // what to do? the challenge is bad can't authenticate. else if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) { if (fAuthenticator->GetType() == Authenticator::kBasicType) qtss_printf("--CREATED BASIC AUTHENTICATOR\n"); else if (fAuthenticator->GetType() == Authenticator::kDigestType) qtss_printf("--CREATED DIGEST AUTHENTICATOR\n"); } #else if (fVerboseLevel >= 3) qtss_printf("--AUTHENTICATION IS DISABLED\n"); #endif } else if (theKey.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sTransportHeader.Ptr, sTransportHeader.Len)) { StringParser theTransportParser(&theKey); StrPtrLen theSubHeader; while (theTransportParser.GetDataRemaining() > 0) { static StrPtrLen sServerPort("server_port"); static StrPtrLen sInterleaved("interleaved"); static StrPtrLen sSSRC("ssrc"); theTransportParser.GetThru(&theSubHeader, ';'); if (theSubHeader.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sServerPort.Ptr, sServerPort.Len)) { StringParser thePortParser(&theSubHeader); thePortParser.ConsumeUntil(NULL, StringParser::sDigitMask); fServerPort = (UInt16) thePortParser.ConsumeInteger(NULL); } else if (theSubHeader.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sInterleaved.Ptr, sInterleaved.Len)) //exclusive with Content-length this->ParseInterleaveSubHeader(&theSubHeader); else if (theSubHeader.NumEqualIgnoreCase(sSSRC.Ptr, sSSRC.Len)) {
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File: C
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 44324 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\ClientSession.cpp
文件 14981 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\ClientSession.h
文件 11006 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\ClientSocket.cpp
文件 5650 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\ClientSocket.h
文件 4296 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\RTPPacket.h
文件 71956 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\RTSPClient.cpp
文件 17716 2008-05-06 07:29 RTSPClientLib\RTSPClient.h
文件 218996 2013-06-05 09:59 RTSPClientLib\RTSPClient.o
文件 85924 2013-06-05 09:59 RTSPClientLib\ClientSocket.o
文件 245164 2013-06-05 10:00 RTSPClientLib\ClientSession.o
文件 13799 2013-06-05 09:59 RTSPClientLib\Pla
目录 0 2013-06-05 10:00 RTSPClientLib
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