//_ **********************************************************
//_ Name: driveinfo.cpp
//_ Purpose:
//_ Created: 15 September 1998
//_ Author: D.R.Godson
//_ Modified By:
//_ Copyright (c) 1998 Brilliant Digital Entertainment Inc.
//_ **********************************************************
// CDriveInfo.cpp
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “driveinfo.h“
float CDriveInfo::GetFreeBytes(int nDrive)
CString sRoot;
unsigned long totalClusters freeClusters sectors bytes;
float fSpace;
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
if (IsDriveAvailable(nDrive))
sRoot = GetRoot(nDrive);
::GetDiskFreeSpace(sRoot §ors &bytes &freeClusters &totalClusters);
// do maths like this to avoid truncation
// errors
fSpace = (float)sectors;
fSpace *= bytes;
fSpace *= freeClusters;
fSpace /= 1048576;
return fSpace;
return 0.0f;
CString CDriveInfo::GetVolume(int nDrive)
CString sVolume sRoot;
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
if (IsDriveAvailable(nDrive))
sRoot = GetRoot(nDrive);
GetVolumeInformation(sRoot sVolume.GetBuffer(20) 20 NULL NULL NULL NULL 0);
return sVolume;
return ““;
CString CDriveInfo::GetRoot(int nDrive)
CString sRoot;
sRoot = GetLetter(nDrive);
sRoot += _T(“:\\“);
return sRoot;
CString CDriveInfo::GetFullName(int nDrive)
CString sFullName sLetter sVolume;
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
if (IsDriveAvailable(nDrive))
sLetter = GetLetter(nDrive);
sVolume = GetVolume(nDrive);
sFullName = sVolume + “ (“ + sLetter + “:)“;
return sFullName;
return ““;
float CDriveInfo::GetTotalBytes(int nDrive)
CString sRoot;
unsigned long totalClusters freeClusters sectors bytes;
float fSpace;
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
if (IsDriveAvailable(nDrive))
sRoot = GetRoot(nDrive);
::GetDiskFreeSpace(sRoot §ors &bytes &freeClusters &totalClusters);
// do maths like this to avoid truncation
// errors
fSpace = (float)sectors;
fSpace *= bytes;
fSpace *= totalClusters;
fSpace /= 1048576;
return fSpace;
return 0.0f;
char CDriveInfo::GetLetter(int nDrive)
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
return (char)(nDrive + ‘A‘ - 1);
int CDriveInfo::GetType(int nDrive)
CString sVolume;
ASSERT (nDrive > 0 && nDrive <= 26);
// shortcut to avoid floppy access
if (nDrive ==1 || nDrive == 2)
if (IsDriveAvailable(nDrive))
sVolume = GetVolume(nDrive);
if (sVolume.Find(_T(“Host“)) >= 0)
return DRIVE_HOST;
return ::GetDriveType(GetRoot(nDrive));
void CDriveInfo::FormatName(CString& sFilename)
CString sTemp sChar;
int nLen nChar;
char cChar cLastC
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5148 2003-02-14 14:22 ZipTest_src\Shared\driveinfo.cpp
文件 1164 2003-02-14 14:22 ZipTest_src\Shared\driveinfo.h
文件 9964 2003-07-23 23:33 ZipTest_src\Shared\FILEMISC.CPP
文件 1744 2003-02-17 13:02 ZipTest_src\Shared\FILEMISC.H
文件 4136 2003-03-05 12:14 ZipTest_src\Shared\FolderDialog.cpp
文件 3216 2003-03-05 12:05 ZipTest_src\Shared\FolderDialog.h
文件 8528 2011-12-08 15:40 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\Debug\BuildLog.htm
文件 3597 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ReadMe.txt
文件 1078 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\res\ZipTest.ico
文件 399 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\res\ZipTest.rc2
文件 1603 2003-07-19 23:59 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\Resource.h
文件 209 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\StdAfx.cpp
文件 999 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\StdAfx.h
文件 3902 2003-06-06 23:30 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\UnzipDlg.cpp
文件 1509 2003-06-06 23:30 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\UnzipDlg.h
文件 3396 2003-07-23 22:57 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipDlg.cpp
文件 1384 2003-07-19 23:58 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipDlg.h
文件 1871 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.cpp
文件 5611 2003-07-10 21:44 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.dsp
文件 725 2003-06-04 16:53 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.dsw
文件 1335 2003-06-04 16:52 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.h
文件 8807 2003-07-19 23:59 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.rc
文件 879 2011-12-08 15:40 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.sln
..A..H. 17920 2011-12-08 16:15 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.suo
文件 11235 2011-12-08 15:40 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.vcproj
文件 1409 2011-12-08 16:15 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTest.vcproj.aaa-PC.aaa.user
文件 1769 2003-06-06 23:28 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTestDlg.cpp
文件 1286 2003-06-06 22:30 ZipTest_src\ZipTest\ZipTestDlg.h
文件 9753 2003-07-24 20:09 ZipTest_src\ZipUnzip\Unzipper.cpp
文件 3052 2003-07-23 23:06 ZipTest_src\ZipUnzip\Unzipper.h
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