• 大小: 236KB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 2
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2021-05-14
  • 语言: C#
  • 标签: AddFlow  WinForms  .NET  


AddFlow for WinForms is a .NET Windows Forms Custom control. It provides approximately the same flowcharting/diagramming features as the ActiveX version and also some new features, more flexibility and a simpler and more powerful object model. It has been completely rewritten in C# to take advantage of the infrastructure provided by .NET. It is 100% Managed Code. You may order either a standard edition, either a professional edition of AddFlow. The professional edition provides a set of graph layout algorithms (Hierarchic, Force-directed, orthogonal, tree, radial, series/parallel).



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

     文件      98304  2008-01-13 01:59  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.DlgFlow.dll

     文件     331776  2008-01-13 03:23  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.dll

     文件      53248  2008-01-13 03:17  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Layout.Hierarchic.dll

     文件      45056  2008-01-13 03:18  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Layout.Orthogonal.dll

     文件      49152  2008-01-13 03:11  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Layout.SP.dll

     文件      36864  2008-01-13 03:32  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Layout.Symmetric.dll

     文件      49152  2008-01-13 00:09  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Layout.Tree.dll

     文件      28672  2008-01-13 02:28  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.Router.dll

     文件      40960  2008-01-13 02:29  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.Flow.SVG.dll

     文件      24576  2008-01-13 02:41  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.GraphAlgo.DLL

     文件      24576  2008-01-13 02:31  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.PrnFlow.dll

     文件      45056  2008-01-13 02:43  DLL_Crack\Lassalle.xmlFlow.dll

     目录          0  2010-06-13 21:29  DLL_Crack

----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

               827392                    13


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