
using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace S7.Net
/// Conversion methods to convert from Siemens numeric format to C# and back
public static class Conversion
/// Converts a binary string to Int32 value
public static int BinStringToInt32(this string txt)
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < txt.Length; i++)
ret = (ret << 1) | ((txt[i] == ‘1‘) ? 1 : 0);
return ret;
/// Converts a binary string to a byte. Can return null.
public static byte? BinStringToByte(this string txt)
if (txt.Length == 8) return (byte)BinStringToInt32(txt);
return null;
/// Converts the value to a binary string
public static string ValToBinString(this object value)
int cnt = 0;
int cnt2 = 0;
int x = 0;
string txt = ““;
long longValue = 0;
if (value.GetType().Name.IndexOf(“[]“) < 0)
// ist nur ein Wert
switch (value.GetType().Name)
case “Byte“:
x = 7;
longValue = (long)((byte)value);
case “Int16“:
x = 15;
longValue = (long)((Int16)value);
case “Int32“:
x = 31;
longValue = (long)((Int32)value);
case “Int64“:
x = 63;
longValue = (long)((Int64)value);
throw new Exception();
for (cnt = x; cnt >= 0; cnt += -1)
if (((Int64)longValue & (Int64)Math.Pow(2 cnt)) > 0)
txt += “1“;
txt += “0“;
// ist ein Array
switch (value.GetType().Name)
case “Byte[]“:
x = 7;
byte[] ByteArr = (byte[])value;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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....... 1082 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\License.txt
文件 70 2019-02-28 13:29 s7netplus-develop\Readme!!!.txt
....... 1706 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\README.md
....... 435 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Compat\TcpClientMixins.cs
....... 9106 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Conversion.cs
....... 5342 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\COTP.cs
....... 3775 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Enums.cs
....... 5250 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PLC.cs
....... 7326 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PLCAddress.cs
....... 28297 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PlcAsynchronous.cs
....... 1090 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PlcException.cs
....... 2270 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PLCExceptions.cs
....... 8325 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PLCHelpers.cs
....... 26420 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\PlcSynchronous.cs
....... 427 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
....... 596 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Properties\S7.Net.snk
....... 2343 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Protocol\ConnectionRequest.cs
....... 5717 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Protocol\S7WriteMultiple.cs
....... 3272 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Protocol\Serialization.cs
....... 1342 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\S7.Net.csproj
....... 2482 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\TPKT.cs
....... 670 2018-10-11 02:28 s7netplus-develop\S7.Net\Types\Bit.cs
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