
Copyright ?2004 by Martin Cook. All rights are reserved. If you like this
code then feel free to go ahead and use it. The only thing I ask is that
you don‘t remove or alter my copyright notice. Your use of this software
is entirely at your own risk. I make no claims about the reliability or
fitness of this code for any particular purpose. If you make changes or
additions to this code then please clearly mark your code as yours. If
you have questions or comments then please contact me at:
Have Fun! :o)
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CG.Security.Demo
/// Summary description for AddRightForm.
public class AddRightForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
// ************************************************************************
// Attributes.
// ************************************************************************
private System.Windows.Forms.Button m_buttonCancel;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button m_buttonOk;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label m_labelRightDescription;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label m_labelRightName;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox m_textBoxRightDescription;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox m_textBoxRightName;
/// Required designer variable.
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
// ************************************************************************
// Properties.
// ************************************************************************
public string RightName
get {return m_textBoxRightName.Text;}
} // End RightName
// ************************************************************************
public string Description
get {return m_textBoxRightDescription.Text;}
} // End Description
// ************************************************************************
// Constructors.
// ************************************************************************
public AddRightForm()
} // End AddRightForm()
// ******************************************************************
// Overrides.
// ******************************************************************
/// Clean up any resources being used.
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && components != null)
} // End Dispose()
// ******************************************************************
// Windows Form Designer generated code.
// *******************************
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7278 2004-06-16 11:35 AddRightForm.cs
文件 9991 2004-06-16 11:35 AddRightForm.resx
文件 7307 2004-06-16 11:35 AddRoleForm.cs
文件 9978 2004-06-16 11:35 AddRoleForm.resx
文件 7069 2004-06-16 11:35 AddUserForm.cs
文件 9936 2004-06-16 11:35 AddUserForm.resx
文件 1408 2004-06-16 11:35 App.config
文件 1078 2004-06-16 11:35 App.ico
文件 3266 2004-06-16 11:35 AssemblyInfo.cs
目录 0 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\
目录 0 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\Release\
文件 122880 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\Release\CG.Security.Demo.exe
文件 1408 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\Release\CG.Security.Demo.exe.config
文件 53248 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\Release\CG.Security.dll
文件 270336 2004-06-16 11:35 bin\Release\security.mdb
文件 7553 2004-06-16 11:35 CG.Security.Demo.csproj
文件 2114 2004-06-16 11:35 CG.Security.Demo.csproj.user
文件 917 2004-06-16 11:35 CG.Security.Demo.sln
目录 0 2004-06-16 11:35 Databa
文件 270336 2004-06-16 11:35 Databa
文件 5384 2004-06-16 11:35 EffectiveRightsForm.cs
文件 8200 2004-06-16 11:35 EffectiveRightsForm.resx
文件 7066 2004-06-16 11:35 LoginForm.cs
文件 9934 2004-06-16 11:35 LoginForm.resx
文件 62777 2004-06-16 11:35 MainForm.cs
文件 38823 2004-06-16 11:35 MainForm.resx
文件 7157 2004-06-16 11:35 UpdatePasswordForm.cs
文件 9979 2004-06-16 11:35 UpdatePasswordForm.resx
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