using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class clsZip
public void CompressFile(string sourceFile string destinationFile)
// make sure the source file is there
if (File.Exists(sourceFile) == false)
throw new FileNotFoundException();
// Create the streams and byte arrays needed
byte[] buffer = null;
FileStream sourceStream = null;
FileStream destinationStream = null;
GZipStream compressedStream = null;
// Read the bytes from the source file into a byte array
sourceStream = new FileStream(sourceFile FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.Read);
// Read the source stream values into the buffer
buffer = new byte[sourceStream.Length];
int checkCounter = sourceStream.Read(buffer 0 buffer.Length);
if (checkCounter != buffer.Length)
throw new ApplicationException();
// Open the FileStream to write to
destinationStream = new FileStream(destinationFile FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write);
// Create a compression stream pointing to the destiantion stream
compressedStream = new GZipStream(destinationStream CompressionMode.Compress true);
// Now write the compressed data to the destination file
compressedStream.Write(buffer 0 buffer.Length);
catch (ApplicationException ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message “压缩文件时发生错误:“ MessageBoxButtons.OK MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// Make sure we allways close all streams
if (sourceStream != null)
if (compressedStream != null)
if (destinationStream != null)
public void DecompressFile(string sourceFile string destinationFile)
// make sure the source file is there
if (File.Exists(sourceFile) == false)
throw new FileNotFoundException();
// Create the streams and byte arrays needed
FileStream sourceStream = null;
FileStream destinationStream = null;
GZipStream decompressedStream = null;
byte[] quartetBuffer = null;
// Read in the compressed source stream
sourceStream = new FileStream(sourceFile FileMode.Open);
// Create a compression stream pointing to the destiantion stream
decompressedStream = new GZipStream(sourceStream CompressionMode.Decompress true);
// Read the footer to determine the length of the destiantion file
quartetBuffer = new byte[4];
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