using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace Common
public class CalcCommon
public static string rootPath = Application.StartupPath;
public static string GetWeather
return Path.Combine(rootPath “Plugins\\Weather\\Weather.txt“);
#region 光照计算
public static void CalcSunLight(DateTime now double lon double lat out double Hs out double As)
SunTimes.Instance.CalculateSunHsAs(now lon lat out Hs out As);
/// 计算日出日落时间
/// 例如:CalculateSunRiseSetTimes((double)28.2172898 (double)113.0589294
/// System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(31) ref sunrise ref sunrest ref yesrise ref yesset);
public class SunTimes
#region 变量
private object mLock = new object();
private const double mDR = Math.PI / 180;
private const double mK1 = 15 * mDR * 1.0027379;
private int[] mRiseTimeArr = new int[2] { 0 0 };
private int[] mSetTimeArr = new int[2] { 0 0 };
private double mRizeAzimuth = 0.0;
private double mSetAzimuth = 0.0;
private double[] mSunPositionInSkyArr = new double[2] { 0.0 0.0 };
private double[] mRightAscentionArr = new double[3] { 0.0 0.0 0.0 };
private double[] mDecensionArr = new double[3] { 0.0 0.0 0.0 };
private double[] mVHzArr = new double[3] { 0.0 0.0 0.0 };
private bool mIsSunrise = false;
private bool mIsSunset = false;
#region 单例模型
private static readonly SunTimes mInstance = new SunTimes(); // The singleton instance
private SunTimes() { }
public static SunTimes Instance
get { return mInstance; }
#region 公有成员
public static double Sin(double x)
return Math.Sin(x);
public static double Cos(double x)
return Math.Cos(x);
public static double Tan(double x)
return Math.Tan(x);
public static double PI
get { return Math.PI; }
/// 计算日升日落时间,如果时间不合法,则返回false
/// Latitude coordinates.
/// Longitude coordinates.
/// Date for which to calculate.
/// Sunrise time (output)
/// Sunset time (output)
/// Whether or not the sun rises at that day
- 上一篇:c#做的学生选课系统代码完整
- 下一篇:2014年广州温度风速风向统计
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