远程协助组件SDK 4.06支持剪切板文字复制粘帖。
* Created by SharpDevelop.
* User: csm
* Date: 2009-7-8
* Time: 19:03
* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Text;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection ;
namespace ScreenChatDemo
/// Description of MainForm.
public partial class MainForm : Form
public static extern Int32 NNSCreateWindow(IntPtr Int32Parent);
public static extern void NNSDestory();
public static extern Int32 NNSLogin(String strIPString strSerial);
public static extern Int32 NNSConnect(String strUserInt32 bUserServer);
public static extern Int32 NNSConnectName(String strUserInt32 bUserServer);
public static extern void NNSStopChat();
public static extern String NNSGetStatus(int nType);
public static extern int NNSGetStatusVB(int nType StringBuilder pBuf);
public static extern int NNSSetDevice(int nDevice);
public static extern Int32 NNSIsFromServer();
public static extern int NNSInitVideoDevice(IntPtr Int32Showint nDevice);
public static extern int NNSSendData(String strUserString strText int nLen byte nType);
public static extern int NNSSendDataName(String strUserString strText int nLen byte nType);
public delegate Int32 pDataRec(UInt32 userData string strUser IntPtr pdata int ilenint idatatype);
public static extern void NNSSetCallBack (pDataRec CallbackFunction UInt32 handle);
[DllImport(“user32.dll“ EntryPoint = “SetWindowText“ CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern int SetWindowText(int hwnd string lpString);
Int32 m_hWndVideo; //视频设备
Int32 m_hWndView; //远程桌面窗口。
String m_strID; //自己的标志
String m_strStatus; //当前状态.
pDataRec pdataRec; //回调
int RECVLEN_STATUES =-1; //nLen当前状态
//int RECVTYPE_DATA =513; //nType收到数据,多线程。
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 962560 2017-05-27 13:26 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Debug\NNScreen.dll
文件 40448 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.pdb
文件 962560 2017-05-27 13:26 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Release\NNScreen.dll
文件 19258 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\MainForm.cs
文件 23095 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\MainForm.Designer.cs
文件 12729 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\MainForm.resx
文件 8434 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
文件 1006 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
文件 45056 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.exe
文件 4972 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.MainForm.resources
文件 40448 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.pdb
文件 4463 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Release\ScreenChatDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
文件 1006 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Release\ScreenChatDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
文件 45056 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Release\ScreenChatDemo.exe
文件 4972 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Release\ScreenChatDemo.MainForm.resources
文件 634 2009-07-08 19:03 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\Program.cs
文件 1085 2009-07-08 19:03 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 5830 2017-05-10 13:13 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\ScreenChatDemo.csproj
文件 932 2017-05-10 13:11 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo.sln
目录 0 2017-05-27 14:37 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Debug
目录 0 2017-05-27 14:29 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Release
目录 0 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Debug
目录 0 2017-05-27 14:39 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj\Release
目录 0 2016-08-23 17:12 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin
目录 0 2016-08-23 17:12 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\obj
目录 0 2017-05-10 13:12 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\Properties
目录 0 2017-05-10 13:12 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo
目录 0 2017-05-10 13:22 C#二次开发源码
文件 2364 2016-11-16 16:25 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Debug\loading.gif
文件 45056 2017-05-27 14:38 C#二次开发源码\ScreenChatDemo\bin\Debug\ScreenChatDemo.exe
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