When you have questions about C# 6.0 or the .NET CLR and its core Framework assemblies, this bestselling guide has the answers you need. C# has become a language of unusual flexibility and breadth since its premiere in 2000, but this continual growth means there’s still much more to learn.
Organized around concepts and use cases, this thoroughly updated sixth edition provides intermediate and advanced programmers with a concise map of C# and .NET knowledge. Dive in and discover why this Nutshell guide is considered the definitive reference on C#.
Get up to speed with all aspects of the C# language, from the basics of syntax and variables, to advanced topics such as pointers and operator overloading
Dig deep into LINQ via three chapters dedicated to the topic
Learn about dynamic, asynchronous, and parallel programming
Work with .NET features, including XML, networking, serialization, reflection, security, application domains, and code contracts
Explore the new C# 6.0 compiler-as-a-service, Roslyn
- C#操作3D的好工具-OpenTK封装了OPENGL
- 学生社团信息管理系统MVC三层架构
- C# 数据采集系统 智能采集 数据分析
- 毕业设计,基于winform的酒店管理系统
- halcon 与C#之HWindow鼠标控制图片缩放,
- C#生辰八字生成器源码
- C#调用USB口摄像头单头,多头源码
- ASP.NET图书管理系统源码.zip
- 基于遗传算法的排程系统
- DevExpress WinForm中文文档
- C#购物系统课程设计
- Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio
- C# 实现多个IP摄像头画面预览以及截图
- Visual C#.NET串口通信及测控应用典型实
- 基于.net的医院信息管理系统C#
- C#Socket网络通信实现多人聊天
- 企业人事管理系统C#源代码
- C#实现软件加壳
- ASP.NET网络书店(C#全源码提供)
- C#获取视频时长,并且视频截图
- Essential C# 7.0
- 北大青鸟accp7.0 使用C#开发数据库应用
- C#电梯调度
- Pro ASP.NET Core MVC 2 (7th) 中文版
- C# 调用Bartender打印的2种方式
- c#人力资源管理系统源代码
- DevExpress控件forC#-8.2
- C#多线程编程实战_中文完整版
- C#学生信息管理系统含全部源码,详细
- s2深入.NET平台和C#编程课后、上机、指
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