asp.net网上书店系统 asp.net网上书店系统
using System;
//References to PetShop specific libraries
//PetShop busines entity library
using BookShop.Model;
//PetShop DAL interfaces
using BookShop.IDAL;
namespace BookShop.BLL {
/// A business Component used to manage accounts
/// The BookShop.Model.Account is used in most methods
/// and is used to store serializable information about an account
public class Account {
/// Method to login into the system. The user must supply a username and password
/// Unique identifier for a user
/// Password for a user
/// If the login is successful it returns information abount the account
public AccountInfo SignIn(string userId string password) {
// Validate input
if ((userId.Trim() == string.Empty) || (password.Trim() == string.Empty))
return null;
// Get an instance of the account DAL using the DALFactory
IAccount dal = BookShop.DALFactory.Account.Create();
// Try to sign in with the given credentials
AccountInfo account = dal.SignIn(userId password);
// Return the account
return account;
/// Returns the address information for a specific user
/// Unique identifier for an account/customer
/// Returns the address information for the user
public AddressInfo GetAddress(string userId) {
// Validate input
if (userId.Trim() == string.Empty)
return null;
// Get an instance of the account DAL using the DALFactory
IAccount dal = BookShop.DALFactory.Account.Create();
// Return the address information for the given userId from the DAL
return dal.GetAddress(userId);
/// A method to insert a new Account
/// An account entity with information about the new account
public void Insert(AccountInfo account) {
// Validate input
if (account.UserId.Trim() == string.Empty)
// Get an instance of the account DAL using the DALFactory
IAccount dal = BookShop.DALFactory.Account.Create();
// Call the DAL to insert the account
/// A method to update an existing account
/// An account entity with information about the account to be updated
public void Update(AccountInfo account) {
// Validate input
if (account.UserId.Trim() == string.Empty)
// Get an instance of the account DAL using the DALFactory
IAccount dal = BookShop.DALFactory.Account.Create();
// Send the udpated account information to the DAL
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2883 2004-11-09 15:30 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Account.cs
文件 288 2004-11-09 15:30 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 5778 2004-11-09 15:15 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\BLL.csproj
文件 1805 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\BLL.csproj.user
文件 3571 2004-11-09 15:30 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Cart.cs
文件 1331 2004-11-09 15:30 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Inventory.cs
文件 1532 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Item.cs
..A..H. 22280 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.projdata
..A..H. 30088 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\obj\Release\BLL.projdata
文件 20480 2004-11-23 22:20 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\obj\Release\BookShop.BLL.dll
文件 20480 2004-11-09 15:10 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\obj\Release\PetShop.BLL.dll
文件 2509 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\OrderInsert.cs
文件 1043 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\OrderRead.cs
文件 1625 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Product.cs
文件 863 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\BLL\Profile.cs
文件 999936 2004-11-09 20:58 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop\dbBookShopOrders
文件 19456 2004-11-09 20:48 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop.ncb
文件 6405 2004-12-06 19:58 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop.sln
文件 596 2002-11-17 18:55 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop.snk
..A..H. 14848 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop.suo
文件 340 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop_Model.tgs
文件 36 2004-12-06 20:08 SHOP\CodeResource\BookShop_Model.tgw
文件 652 2004-11-09 15:30 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\Account.cs
文件 123 2004-11-09 15:29 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 16384 2004-11-23 22:20 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\bin\Release\BookShop.DAL.dll
文件 16384 2004-11-23 22:20 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\bin\Release\BookShop.IDAL.dll
文件 24576 2004-11-23 22:20 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\bin\Release\BookShop.Model.dll
文件 16384 2004-11-09 15:10 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\bin\Release\PetShop.DAL.dll
文件 16384 2004-11-09 15:10 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\bin\Release\PetShop.IDAL.dll
文件 5258 2004-11-09 15:15 SHOP\CodeResource\DALFactory\DALFactory.csproj
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