using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using WCFClient.CalculatorService;
//using WCFClient.CalculatorServices;
namespace WCFClient
//4、创建 Windows Communication Foundation 客户端
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (CalculatorServiceClient client = new CalculatorServiceClient())
// 使用 “client“ 变量在服务上调用操作。
Console.WriteLine(“when x = {0} and y = {1} x + y = {2} “ 1 2 client.Add(1 2));
Console.WriteLine(“when x = {0} and y = {1} x - y = {2} “ 1 2 client.Subtract(1 2));
Console.WriteLine(“when x = {0} and y = {1} x * y = {2} “ 1 2 client.M
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6436 2017-12-12 16:21 WCFDemo.sln
I.A.... 3567 2019-07-01 09:52 WCFClient\app.config
文件 3112 2019-05-28 10:24 WCFClient\app_.config
文件 7680 2019-07-01 09:41 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.exe
文件 3567 2019-07-01 09:52 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.exe.config
文件 15872 2019-07-01 09:41 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.pdb
文件 22696 2019-07-01 09:59 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.vshost.exe
文件 3567 2019-07-01 09:52 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.vshost.exe.config
文件 490 2015-06-04 12:48 WCFClient\bin\Debug\WCFClient.vshost.exe.manifest
文件 7051 2019-07-01 09:59 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
文件 4608 2019-07-01 09:48 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Service References.CalculatorService.Reference.cs.dll
文件 4608 2019-05-29 09:51 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Service References.CalculatorServices.Reference.cs.dll
文件 4608 2019-05-28 10:17 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Service References.HelloService.Reference.cs.dll
文件 4608 2019-07-01 09:41 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Service References.WcfClient.Reference.cs.dll
文件 1042 2019-07-01 09:59 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\WCFClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
文件 7680 2019-07-01 09:41 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\WCFClient.exe
文件 15872 2019-07-01 09:41 WCFClient\obj\x86\Debug\WCFClient.pdb
I.A.... 1054 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Program.cs
文件 1360 2015-11-01 18:26 WCFClient\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
I.A.... 19971 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\CalculatorService.wsdl
I.A.... 1756 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\configuration.svcinfo
I.A.... 21427 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\configuration91.svcinfo
I.A.... 4665 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\me
I.A.... 2503 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\me
I.A.... 2488 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\me
I.A.... 3988 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\Reference.cs
I.A.... 2152 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\Service References\CalculatorService\Reference.svcmap
I.A.... 3692 2019-07-01 09:46 WCFClient\WCFClient.csproj
文件 4608 2019-07-01 09:37 WCFContract\bin\Debug\WCFContract.dll
文件 7680 2019-07-01 09:37 WCFContract\bin\Debug\WCFContract.pdb
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