
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DAL;
using SQLbase;
namespace StuSystem
public partial class Classes : Form
public Classes()
ClassesInfo classesinfo = new ClassesInfo();
SQL SQL = new SQL();
string strWhere = string.Empty;
int Flag = 0;
private void Classes_Load(object sender EventArgs e)
#region 公共方法
/// 按钮互斥
private void bottonStatus()
this.btnsave.Enabled = !this.btnsave.Enabled;
this.btnCancle.Enabled = !this.btnCancle.Enabled;
this.btnAdd.Enabled = !this.btnAdd.Enabled;
this.btnEdit.Enabled = !this.btnEdit.Enabled;
this.btnDelete.Enabled = !this.btnDelete.Enabled;
/// 获得条件
private void GetSqlWhere()
strWhere = string.Empty;
if (combSelect.Text == “班级编号“)
strWhere += “ and ID like ‘%“ + txtSelect.Text.Trim() + “%‘“;
if (combSelect.Text == “班级名称“)
strWhere += “ and CName like ‘%“ + txtSelect.Text.Trim() + “%‘“;
/// 数据清空
private void gvwdispose()
#region 绑定数据
/// 绑定Gridview
private void bindgvw()
classesinfo.GetSqlgvw(strWhere gvwClassList);
#region 事件
/// 查询按钮
private void btnSelect_Click(object sender EventArgs e)
/// GridView行点击
private void gvwClassList_CellClick(object sender DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
txtID.Text = gvwClassList.Columns[0].ToString();
txtName.Text = gvwClassList.Columns[1].ToString();
txtDemo.Text = gvwClassList.Columns[10].ToString();
/// 取消按钮
private void btnCancle_Click(object sender EventArgs e)
txtID.Text =
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1922048 2010-12-12 17:26 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\bin\Debug\StuSystem.exe
文件 173568 2010-12-12 17:26 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\bin\Debug\StuSystem.pdb
文件 14328 2010-12-12 17:02 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\bin\Debug\StuSystem.vshost.exe
文件 8952 2010-12-12 17:05 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Classes.cs
文件 15671 2010-12-12 17:05 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Classes.Designer.cs
文件 394836 2010-12-12 17:05 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Classes.resx
文件 2103 2010-12-12 17:15 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Course.cs
文件 9593 2010-12-12 17:15 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Course.Designer.cs
文件 78528 2010-12-12 17:15 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\Course.resx
文件 4921 2010-12-12 17:01 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\ClassesInfo.cs
文件 5429 2010-12-12 15:43 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\CourseInfo.cs
文件 3245 2010-12-12 15:16 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\ScoreInfo.cs
文件 7935 2010-12-12 16:25 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\StudentInfo.cs
文件 7076 2010-12-12 16:25 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\TeacherInfo.cs
文件 5615 2010-12-12 16:24 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\DAL\UsersInfo.cs
文件 63896 2010-12-11 13:52 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\add.bmp
文件 17718 2010-12-11 13:45 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\adduser.bmp
文件 10806 2006-04-17 15:27 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Anchor.ico
文件 10806 2006-04-17 15:27 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Attach.ico
文件 25214 2006-04-17 10:13 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\boy.ico
文件 10806 2006-04-17 15:27 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Calendar%20week.ico
文件 52177 2010-12-11 13:57 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\cancle.bmp
文件 10806 2006-04-17 15:27 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Chat.ico
文件 127438 2006-04-17 14:56 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Copy.ico
文件 17264 2010-12-11 13:44 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\delete.bmp
文件 17611 2010-12-11 13:42 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Edit.bmp
文件 12415 2010-12-11 13:50 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\exit.bmp
文件 9662 2010-12-10 17:02 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\login.ico
文件 20916 2010-12-10 17:29 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\login_bg.bmp
文件 508686 2010-12-11 13:15 StudentInfo System\StuSystem\StuSystem\images\Main_bg.bmp
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