
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Customer_Maintenance_Project
/// Summary description for AlignmentForm.
public class AlignmentForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer crystalReportViewer1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnExit;
private AlignmentReport AlignmentReport1;
/// Required designer variable.
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
public AlignmentForm()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
/// Clean up any resources being used.
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if(components != null)
base.Dispose( disposing );
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
private void InitializeComponent()
this.crystalReportViewer1 = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer();
this.AlignmentReport1 = new Customer_Maintenance_Project.AlignmentReport();
this.btnExit = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
// crystalReportViewer1
this.crystalReportViewer1.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
this.crystalReportViewer1.Borderstyle = System.Windows.Forms.Borderstyle.FixedSingle;
this.crystalReportViewer1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.Dockstyle.Fill;
this.crystalReportViewer1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0 0);
this.crystalReportViewer1.Name = “crystalReportViewer1“;
this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = this.AlignmentReport1;
this.crystalReportViewer1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(744 533);
this.crystalReportViewer1.TabIndex = 0;
// btnExit
this.btnExit.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.Anchorstyles)((System.Windows.Forms.Anchorstyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.Anchorstyles.Left)));
this.btnExit.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12 476);
this.btnExit.Name = “btnExit“;
this.btnExit.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(90 25);
this.btnExit.TabIndex = 1;
this.btnExit.Text = “Exit“;
this.btnExit.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnExit_Click);
// AlignmentForm
this.AutoScalebaseSize = new System.Drawing.S
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1213952 2009-07-04 12:48 C#项目\06软测四班 裴世超 4号.doc
文件 1347337 2009-07-06 23:09 C#项目\06软测四班 裴世超 4号.rar
文件 17630 2009-07-01 22:10 C#项目\Bule.sql
文件 474989 2009-06-08 23:13 C#项目\C#library.rar
文件 3486 2008-03-09 19:55 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\AlignmentForm.cs
文件 6222 2008-03-09 19:55 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\AlignmentForm.resx
文件 5975 2009-03-08 10:59 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\AlignmentReport.cs
文件 16384 2009-03-08 10:59 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\AlignmentReport.rpt
文件 1078 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\App.ico
文件 2426 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 200704 2009-03-08 19:30 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\bin\Debug\Customer Maintenance Project.exe
文件 300544 2009-03-08 19:30 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\bin\Debug\Customer Maintenance Project.pdb
文件 14328 2009-03-08 19:35 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\bin\Debug\Customer Maintenance Project.vshost.exe
文件 490 2007-07-21 01:33 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\bin\Debug\Customer Maintenance Project.vshost.exe.manifest
文件 6980 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CMS.sql
文件 3502 2008-03-09 19:56 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumableForm.cs
文件 6226 2008-03-09 19:56 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumableForm.resx
文件 4043 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumableReport.cs
文件 12288 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumableReport.rpt
文件 5991 2009-03-08 10:59 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumablesReport.cs
文件 16384 2009-03-08 10:59 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\ConsumablesReport.rpt
文件 13022 2009-03-08 10:45 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\Customer Maintenance Project.csproj
文件 2577 2008-03-01 18:00 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\Customer Maintenance Project.csproj.user
文件 940 2009-03-08 10:37 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\Customer Maintenance Project.sln
..A..H. 30208 2009-03-08 19:35 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\Customer Maintenance Project.suo
文件 32808 2008-03-01 17:58 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CustomerDataSet.Designer.cs
文件 3 2008-03-01 18:00 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CustomerDataSet.xsc
文件 1230 2006-04-25 13:11 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CustomerDataSet.xsd
文件 20606 2009-03-08 19:01 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CustomerForm.cs
文件 10117 2009-03-08 18:39 C#项目\C#课本项目\CMS1\CustomerForm.resx
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