大小: 5.97MB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-10-01
- 语言: C#
- 标签: c# leapmotion
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Leap Motion Inc. All rights reserved. *
* Leap Motion proprietary and confidential. Not for distribution. *
* Use subject to the terms of the Leap Motion SDK Agreement available at *
* https://developer.leapmotion.com/sdk_agreement or another agreement *
* between Leap Motion and you your company or other organization. *
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Leap;
class SampleListener
public void OnInit(Controller controller)
public void OnConnect(object sender DeviceEventArgs args)
public void OnDisconnect(object sender DeviceEventArgs args)
public void Onframe(object sender frameEventArgs args)
// Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
frame frame = args.frame;
“frame id: {0} timestamp: {1} hands: {2}“
frame.Id frame.Timestamp frame.Hands.Count
foreach (Hand hand in frame.Hands)
Console.WriteLine(“ Hand id: {0} palm position: {1} fingers: {2}“
hand.Id hand.PalmPosition hand.Fingers.Count);
// Get the hand‘s normal vector and direction
Vector normal = hand.PalmNormal;
Vector direction = hand.Direction;
// Calculate the hand‘s pitch roll and yaw angles
“ Hand pitch: {0} degrees roll: {1} degrees yaw: {2} degrees“
direction.Pitch * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI
normal.Roll * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI
direction.Yaw * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI
// Get the Arm bone
Arm arm = hand.Arm; //手臂
“ Arm direction: {0} wrist position: {1} elbow position: {2}“
arm.Direction arm.WristPosition arm.ElbowPosition
// Get fingers
foreach (Finger finger in hand.Fingers)
“ Finger id: {0} {1} length: {2}mm width: {3}mm“
// Get finger bones
Bone bone; //骨骼
for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
bone = finger.Bone ((Bone.BoneType)b);
Console.WriteLine (
“ Bone: {0} start: {1} end: {2} direction: {3}“
bone.Type bone.PrevJoint bone.NextJoint bone.Direction
if (frame.Hands.Count != 0)
public void OnServiceConnect(object sender ConnectionEventArgs args)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 22696 2017-09-18 16:54 leadproject\Sample\bin\Debug\Sample.vshost.exe
文件 189 2017-09-09 16:48 leadproject\Sample\bin\Debug\Sample.vshost.exe.config
文件 490 2017-03-19 05:00 leadproject\Sample\bin\Debug\Sample.vshost.exe.manifest
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文件 29541 2016-06-14 03:48 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\include\LeapMath.h
文件 85324 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\Leap.py
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文件 90584 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\LeapCSharp.NET4.0.dll
文件 90584 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\LeapCSharp.NET4.5.dll
文件 84203 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\LeapJava.jar
文件 90584 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\UnityAssets\Plugins\LeapCSharp.NET3.5.dll
文件 2687448 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\UnityAssets\Plugins\x86\LeapC.dll
文件 3121112 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\UnityAssets\Plugins\x86_64\LeapC.dll
文件 3867096 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\Leap.dll
文件 128848 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\Leap.lib
文件 3121112 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\LeapC.dll
文件 8502 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\LeapC.lib
文件 206296 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\LeapJava.dll
文件 441304 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\LeapPython.pyd
文件 660128 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\msvcp120.dll
文件 963232 2016-12-14 08:33 leadproject\Sample\leap sdk\lib\x64\msvcr120.dll
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