C# is undeniably one of the most versatile programming languages available to engineers today. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn just how powerful the combination of C# and .NET can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 8.0 fundamentals and techniques for building cloud, web, and desktop applications.
Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You’ll get up to speed on .NET Core and the latest C# 8.0 additions, including asynchronous streams, nullable references, pattern matching, default interface implementation, ranges and new indexing syntax, and changes in the .NET tool chain.
* Discover how C# supports fundamental coding features, such as classes, other custom types, collections, and error handling
* Learn how to write high-performance memory-efficient code with .NET Core’s Span and Memory types
Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You’ll get up to speed on .NET Core and the latest C# 8.0 additions, including asynchronous streams, nullable references, pattern matching, default interface implementation, ranges and new indexing syntax, and changes in the .NET tool chain.
* Discover how C# supports fundamental coding features, such as classes, other custom types, collections, and error handling
* Learn how to write high-performance memory-efficient code with .NET Core’s Span and Memory types
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