using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: Assemblytitle(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture(““)]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
// by using the ‘*‘ as shown below:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion(“1.0.*“)]
// In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the
// Microsoft .NET framework documentation for more information on assembly signing.
// Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing.
// Notes:
// (*) If no key is specified the assembly is not signed.
// (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service
// Provider (CSP) on your machine. KeyFile refers to a file which contains
// a key.
// (*) If the KeyFile and the KeyName values are both specified the
// following processing occurs:
// (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP that key is used.
// (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist the key
// in the KeyFile is installed into the CSP and used.
// (*) In order to create a KeyFile you can use the sn.exe (Strong Name) utility.
// When specifying the KeyFile the location of the KeyFile should be
// relative to the project output directory which is
// %Project Directory%\obj\. For example if your KeyFile is
// located in the project directory you would specify the AssemblyKeyFile
// attribute as [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(“..\\..\\mykey.snk“)]
// (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET framework
// documentation for more information on this.
[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(““)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyName(““)]
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 335 2013-02-10 18:44 C#进销存软件 beta\软件说明.txt
文件 1486848 2005-12-09 00:06 C#进销存软件 beta\star\bin\Debug\star.exe
文件 1486848 2005-12-09 00:06 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\star.exe
文件 5632 2005-08-26 13:47 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\BA.BA0101.cs.dll
文件 32768 2005-09-01 01:53 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\BA.BADs.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-09-01 01:29 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\BA.Dataset1.cs.dll
文件 12288 2005-08-31 17:54 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\BA.DsBA010.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-12-03 11:54 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\Dataset1.cs.dll
文件 13824 2005-12-03 12:06 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\DsMain.cs.dll
文件 36864 2005-12-03 10:26 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\DsMain1.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-10-27 01:51 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\PR.CrystalReport1.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-11-02 03:45 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\PR.PR020.cs.dll
文件 6144 2005-10-27 03:19 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\PR.PR020RP.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 09:58 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.CrystalReport1.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 12:25 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.IN020.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-12-03 12:29 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.IN030.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 01:43 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.PR020.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-02 23:40 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.PR0201.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 08:25 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.PR030.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-12-03 10:47 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.PRO40.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 07:05 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.SA020.cs.dll
文件 5120 2005-12-03 10:57 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.SA030.cs.dll
文件 5632 2005-12-03 11:06 C#进销存软件 beta\star\obj\Debug\TempPE\RP.SA040.cs.dll
文件 246 2005-08-25 19:46 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picCancle.bmp
文件 334 2005-09-01 17:26 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picClose.bmp
文件 246 2005-08-25 19:45 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picDel.bmp
文件 246 2005-08-25 19:45 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picEdit.bmp
文件 246 2005-08-25 19:36 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picExit.bmp
文件 246 2005-09-01 17:28 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picFirst.bmp
文件 246 2005-09-01 17:29 C#进销存软件 beta\star\picLast.bmp
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