DataMatrix.Net - .net library for decoding DataMatrix codes.
Copyright (C) 2009/2010 Michael Faschinger
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3.0 of the License or (at your option) any later version.
You can also redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License or (at your option)
any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1179648 2008-02-29 11:34 DataMatrix.net\bin\Debug\AjaxControlToolkit.dll
文件 101376 2010-09-07 12:18 DataMatrix.net\bin\Debug\DataMatrix.net.dll
文件 290304 2010-09-07 12:18 DataMatrix.net\bin\Debug\DataMatrix.net.pdb
文件 42360 2010-09-03 17:02 DataMatrix.net\bin\Debug\System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll
文件 701816 2010-09-03 17:03 DataMatrix.net\bin\Debug\System.Web.Extensions.dll
文件 1930 2010-04-04 16:31 DataMatrix.net\C40TextState.cs
文件 3202 2010-08-02 13:16 DataMatrix.net\DataMatrix.net.csproj
文件 3998 2010-04-04 16:36 DataMatrix.net\DmtxBestLine.cs
文件 10171 2010-04-04 16:31 DataMatrix.net\DmtxBresLine.cs
文件 3649 2010-04-04 16:36 DataMatrix.net\DmtxChannel.cs
文件 12994 2010-04-04 16:31 DataMatrix.net\DmtxCommon.cs
文件 17178 2010-04-04 16:31 DataMatrix.net\DmtxConstants.cs
文件 95091 2010-04-04 16:31 DataMatrix.net\DmtxDecode.cs
文件 73080 2010-04-04 16:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxEncode.cs
文件 2768 2010-04-04 16:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxFollow.cs
文件 10433 2010-04-04 16:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxImage.cs
文件 5930 2010-04-04 16:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxImageDecoder.cs
文件 11751 2010-09-07 13:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxImageEncoder.cs
文件 2597 2010-08-27 21:56 DataMatrix.net\DmtxImageEncoderOptions.cs
文件 9646 2010-04-04 16:32 DataMatrix.net\DmtxMatrix3.cs
文件 22588 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxMessage.cs
文件 2032 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxMultiplet.cs
文件 1874 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxPixelLoc.cs
文件 2612 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxPointFlow.cs
文件 2728 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxRay2.cs
文件 10201 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxRegion.cs
文件 10763 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxScanGrid.cs
文件 5231 2010-04-04 16:33 DataMatrix.net\DmtxVector2.cs
文件 35147 2010-04-04 16:14 DataMatrix.net\gpl.txt
文件 7651 2010-04-04 16:24 DataMatrix.net\lgpl.txt
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