using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Reflection;
namespace PresentationControls
/// Martin Lottering : 2007-10-27
/// --------------------------------
/// This is a usefull control in Filters. Allows you to save space and can replace a Grouped Box of CheckBoxes.
/// Currently used on the TasksFilter for TaskStatusses which means the user can select which Statusses to include
/// in the “Search“.
/// This control does not implement a CheckBoxListBox instead it adds a wrapper for the normal ComboBox and Items.
/// See the CheckBoxItems property.
/// ----------------
/// ALSO
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2007-11-23 10:50 DemoApp\bin\
目录 0 2007-11-23 10:50 DemoApp\bin\Debug\
文件 33792 2007-11-23 11:01 DemoApp\bin\Debug\CheckBoxComboBox.dll
文件 12800 2007-11-23 11:10 DemoApp\bin\Debug\DemoApp.exe
文件 473 2007-02-22 07:51 DemoApp\bin\Debug\DemoApp.vshost.exe.manifest
文件 454 2007-11-09 00:12 DemoApp\DataTableWrappers.cs
文件 3905 2007-11-08 11:13 DemoApp\DemoApp.csproj
文件 3127 2007-11-23 11:10 DemoApp\Form1.cs
文件 8095 2007-11-23 11:10 DemoApp\Form1.Designer.cs
文件 5814 2007-11-23 11:10 DemoApp\Form1.resx
文件 499 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Program.cs
目录 0 2007-11-23 10:50 DemoApp\Properties\
文件 1430 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
文件 2843 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs
文件 5612 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Properties\Resources.resx
文件 1092 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs
文件 249 2007-10-28 02:27 DemoApp\Properties\Settings.settings
文件 1064 2007-11-09 00:56 DemoApp\Statusses.cs
目录 0 2007-11-23 11:10 DemoApp\
文件 1423 2007-10-28 02:28 CheckBoxComboBox.sln
目录 0 2007-11-23 10:50 CheckBoxComboBox\bin\
目录 0 2007-11-23 10:50 CheckBoxComboBox\bin\Debug\
文件 33792 2007-11-23 11:01 CheckBoxComboBox\bin\Debug\CheckBoxComboBox.dll
文件 27999 2007-11-23 11:01 CheckBoxComboBox\CheckBoxComboBox.cs
文件 3445 2007-11-09 00:16 CheckBoxComboBox\CheckBoxComboBox.csproj
文件 168 2007-10-28 02:28 CheckBoxComboBox\CheckBoxComboBox.csproj.user
文件 1080 2007-10-28 03:41 CheckBoxComboBox\CheckBoxComboBox.Designer.cs
文件 3072 2007-10-28 03:41 CheckBoxComboBox\GripBounds.cs
文件 1877 2007-10-28 03:41 CheckBoxComboBox\NativeMethods.cs
文件 20546 2007-11-07 08:00 CheckBoxComboBox\Popup.cs
文件 1349 2007-10-28 03:35 CheckBoxComboBox\Popup.Designer.cs
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