• 大小: 54.46MB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 1
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2023-03-31
  • 语言: 数据库
  • 标签: SQL  Assistant  


SQL Assistant 9.5.469 is now available! Reply with quote Build 9.5.469 was released yesterday. This is is a consolidated bug fix release containing the following fixes SA0033354 - Import from Excel: integer values can change to random numbers. SA0033310 - Cloned connections don't always work correctly. SA0033327 - $$...$$ macro usage with SQL Server environments, in certain cases may trigger multiple executions of the same macro. SA0033398 - Schema compare raises silent Out of Memory exception and stop when processing large databases with many MBytes of procedural code. SA0033396 - Code-generator generates full multi-part names with repeating parts in templates where only simple one-part names are expected. SA0033407 - Snippets Engine - processing may fail if the editor tab with the source connection is closed. SA0033434 - Schema Compare templates for PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, and Pivotal Greenplum: "Column Convert" template uses wrong quoting symbols. SA0033413 - Schema Compare for SQL Server: system generated constraint names may distort schema compare results. SA0033483 - Task Manager and Query Execution dialogs/panes don't refresh task progress and details of new tasks started.



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

     文件   21573120  2018-04-11 14:54  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\data\SqlAssistPrefs.dll

     文件   30269440  2018-04-11 14:55  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\data\SqlAssistPrefs64.dll

     文件    5733200  2018-04-13 00:54  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\SqlEditor.exe

     文件    8436560  2018-04-13 00:55  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\SqlEditor64.exe

     文件    3535184  2018-04-13 00:55  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\SqlEditor_std.exe

     文件     639488  2017-02-14 19:34  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Patch.exe

     文件        118  2018-04-14 07:46  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\readme.txt

     文件   37211568  2018-04-14 05:57  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\sqlassist_setup 9.5.469.exe

     目录          0  2018-04-14 07:41  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite\data

     目录          0  2018-04-14 07:41  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition\Overwrite

     目录          0  2018-04-14 07:43  SQL_Assistant_9.5.469_Enterprise_Edition

----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

            107398678                    11


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