oracle goldengate for oralce 11G in windows 2003 2008_x64
Copyright (c) 2001 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Program description:
User exit example for Windows NT and Unix. This example uses the
TCUSTMER and TCUSTORD tables which can be created and manipulated using
the demo*.sql scripts included with the ER release.
Change History:
04/15/10 - TAS
BUG-9572108 Added #include for OSS types.
06/11/09 - SS
OS-9026 Rectifying the check-in errors of UserExit modules
04/21/09 - TAS
OS-8962 Corrected #ifdef for AIX
09/15/08 - TAS
Added truncates to stats output.
No ticket Corrected tbl compare to drop owner.
08/09/08 - TAS
OS-5297 corrected isprint issue. Compile issue for MVS
08/07/08 - TAS
OS-5297 Cleaned up #defines for WIN32 for .net and before.
06/13/08 - TAS
OS-5297 Added includes for linux.
07/30/07 - TAS
Added disabled warns for sprintf vsprintf NT VS 2005.
Callback examples for tokens position and printing to report file.
03/22/07 - SMB
Add support for column lengths up to 64K bytes.
12/15/06 - TAS
No Ticket correct stack overflow on NT from large row changes.
11/30/06 - CP
FP #13489 - Support new callback functions: GET_TABLE_metaDATA
02/12/06 - SRC
Support new callback functions: FETCH_CURRENT_RECORD_WITH_LOCK
supported in replicat and only if a mapped target buffer is available.
Fetch the current record by key from the target database. Modify
existing callbacks to expose the data values for the fetched record.
Messages are output to the report file and/or console based on our
existing reporting logic.
05/15/01 - SRC
Initial revision.
#ifdef WIN32
#define int8_t signed char
#define int16_t short
#define int32_t long
#define int64_t __int64
#define uint8_t unsigned char
#define uint16_t unsigned short
#define uint32_t unsigned long
#define uint64_t unsigned __int64
#if (_MSC_VER>=1400)
#pragma warning(disable:4018)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#if defined(__linux__)
#if defined(__MVS__)
#if !defined(__MVS__) && !defined(__linux__)
#if defined (_OSS_HOST)
#include “usrdecs.h“
/* ER callback routine */
#ifndef WIN32
void ERCALLBACK(ercallback_function_codes function_code
void *buf s
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1775104 2012-08-23 23:48 mgr.exe
文件 2544640 2012-08-24 00:05 ggsci.exe
文件 1241088 2012-08-24 00:10 ggcmd.exe
文件 31232 2012-08-24 00:11 install.exe
文件 1280336 2012-08-23 23:25 ggMessage.dat
文件 170398 2012-07-23 15:22 help.txt
文件 759 2010-10-15 12:37 tcperrs
文件 1725 2010-10-15 12:37 bcrypt.txt
文件 1668 2010-10-15 12:37 libxm
文件 1476 2010-10-15 12:37 zlib.txt
文件 1968 2010-10-15 12:37 freeBSD.txt
文件 213535 2012-01-19 01:19 notices.txt
文件 1417216 2012-08-23 23:15 libxm
文件 2656256 2012-08-23 23:15 xerces-c_2_8.dll
文件 15593472 2012-08-23 23:15 icudt38.dll
文件 1265664 2012-08-23 23:15 icuin38.dll
文件 1170944 2012-08-23 23:15 icuuc38.dll
文件 104960 2012-08-23 23:15 antlr3c.dll
文件 198144 2012-08-23 23:15 antlr3cd.dll
文件 200192 2012-08-23 23:34 ggrepo.dll
文件 2140160 2012-08-23 23:32 gglog.dll
文件 1019 2012-08-24 00:11 pw_agent_util.bat
文件 1015 2012-08-24 00:11 pw_agent_util.sh
文件 420 2012-08-24 00:11 jagent.bat
文件 406 2012-08-24 00:11 jagent.sh
文件 1575424 2012-08-23 23:15 libdb52.dll
文件 1290240 2012-08-24 00:16 cobgen.exe
文件 1315328 2012-08-24 00:21 ddlcob.exe
文件 1294336 2012-08-24 00:27 emsclnt.exe
文件 38912 2012-08-24 00:28 keygen.exe
文件 1422848 2012-08-24 00:34 logdump.exe
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