11月最新 SQLite ODBC Driver
SQLite 3.7.8
This is an open source ODBC driver for the wonderful
SQLite 2.8.* and SQLite 3.* Database Engine/Library.
The driver is usable but may contain lots of memory
leaks and all other kinds of bugs. Use it on your own
The current source can be downloaded from
WIN32 binaries (the ODBC driver DLL, install/uninstall programs) are in
The binaries were made with SQLite 2.8.17, SQLite 3.7.8, MingW
cross compiler and tested on Windows NT 4.0 with the query tool
of MS Excel 97, with StarOffice 5.2 and OpenOffice 1.1 and 2.x.
Execute the sqliteodbc.exe NSIS installer to unpack the necessary
files. This installs the SQLite ODBC driver and creates a System DSN.
To remove the driver use the start menu entries or the UNINST.EXE
program. To create a SQLite data source use the ODBC control panel
applet and provide the name of the SQLite database file to be worked
on as an absolute pathname including the drive letter, eg as
"C:\TEMP\SQLite.DB". The busy (or lock) timeout for the database
can be specified in the respective field. If empty a default value
of 100000 milliseconds is used.
The Win64 installer (sqliteodbc_w64.exe) was made with SQLite 3.7.8,
MingW cross compiler and only rudimentary tested on Windows Vista 64.

属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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* 文件 3379604 2011-11-19 19:52 sqliteodbc.exe
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3379604 1
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* 文件 3379604 2011-11-19 19:52 sqliteodbc.exe
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3379604 1
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